Chapter 15

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I arrived early for once in my life, six minutes to spare as I pulled into the deserted gravel car
park. Stepping out I looked around to see if Leo was as punctual, but he was nowhere in sight. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text, adding a kiss for good measure.

Just got here, see you soon x

As I waited against the car, scrolling through Grace's frantic messages about her date. I had to talk her down a few times. How could Meera not fall head over heels for her, she was amazing.

"Reading something good?" Came a low-pitched voice from behind me.

My whole body tensed. I turned to see Leo, looking pristine in his suit and shoes that had no business being on this rugged terrain.

"Why are you wearing a suit to go walking?" I said completely baffled.

"Oh, I didn't think we were actually going to walk around. I thought we'd sit in the coffee shop. Talk shop and you fill me in on Whistlebury's rich history".

"Leo, there's coffee shops in the village centre. Why would we need to come all the way out here to talk business?"

"Change of scenery", he said looking pleased with himself.

"Well, we're here now and we're going up Delisford Hill", I insisted firmly.

He hesitated, looking down at his outfit before giving me a sheepish look. "I'm hardly dressed for hiking".

"No, no you chose this place, and I can't just tell you about Whistlebury, you have to feel Whistlebury", I countered.

"How exactly would I feel Whistlebury?" He said with a slow, hesitant smile.

"By climbing Delisford Hill", I stated, pointing towards the daunting incline ahead of us.

He glanced between me and the hill uncertainly before reluctantly following my lead. He naturally caught up to me with ease. A bit too easily for my liking. He'd soon realise I was not cut out for this.

"I was joking when I said you could be my tour guide you know" he said.

"You beachhead me for this task and I shall deliver" I replied.

He gave me a confused, but amused look. "Lead the way".

As we walked, I regaled him with stories about the park's history and he actually seemed interested – or at least good at pretending. But when we reached the foot of the hill, I knew I was in trouble. My heart sank as I looked up at the dark, ominous clouds overhead.

"Should we just head to the coffee shop instead?" I suggested, hoping to avoid the inevitable climb.

But before I could insist, Leo had already begun scaling the steep slope. "Come on, let's go!" he called out with a wave.

Oh great!

I started after him, my boots sinking into the muddy ground with each step. The air was thick and humid, making it hard to catch my breath. But Leo seemed unfazed, effortlessly bounding up the hill like a natural athlete.

Congealed mug bunched around my boots holding them hostage with each step. I was halfway up and already out of breath. I stood with my hands on my hips huffing away.

Leo glanced back at me, "Here, take my hand", he coaxed, his arm outstretched.

I rolled my eyes but silently accepted his gesture, grateful for the help as I trudged onward. This wasn't the time to be proud. As the sky grew darker and the rain began to fall, I couldn't help but regret suggesting this hike.

"Maybe we should turn back now?"

"We're almost there", Leo insisted, his other hand resting reassuringly on my back as he guided me forward.

I sighed to myself; this was certainly not what I had envisioned when I signed up to be his tour guide. As we reached the summit, visibility was nearly zero due to the almost torrential rain. We stood close, gazing over the village.

"Some view", he remarked, as the rain streamed down his chiselled jawline, eventually soaking into his tie.

I pushed back my hood and hat to see his face, and we both chuckled.

"How can you not adore the grey? Your office is a sea of it", I teased.

"Touché. Shall we go for coffee then?"

"Sure, but you'll have to help me—"

My words were cut short as he spontaneously grasped my hand, guiding us back down the path.

Strange Attractionsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें