Chapter 21

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As soon he was out of sight, I called Grace. Her voice bubbled over the phone as she gushed about her incredible date. She couldn't stop talking about how much fun she had and how she couldn't wait for the next one. I smiled and nodded along, trying to hide the prickle of anguish in my chest.

"Sorry, I think I already told you that part", she laughed breathlessly. "I'm just so giddy!"

"I'm genuinely happy for you, Grace", I said sincerely. "Meera seems like such a wonderful person. Anyone would be lucky to have you".

But inside, even though my heart felt heavy, I didn't want to dampen Grace's spirits with my own problems.

"What's wrong?" She asked, knowing me too well.

"Nothing", I replied half-heartedly.

"You can't fool me Bella" she said knowingly.

I paused "are you in the shop today?"

"Of course, someone has to open up! Come down here, something's clearly bothering you, I can feel it".

I sighed "see you in a minute".

I lazily dragged myself upstairs to get ready, feeling unenthusiastic and drained despite the bright sun shining outside. As I got dressed and went through my morning routine on autopilot, I mindlessly strolled down the familiar streets.

My path unintentionally led me towards Tib Street, completely oblivious to the fact that Mrs Godwin was eagerly waiting in her meticulously manicured garden. Spotting me approaching, Mrs Godwin's face twisted into a disapproving sneer. She wasted no time, storming over to me with determination and superiority.

"Bella!" Mrs Godwin snapped. "Off to that ridiculous venture of your grandmother's again? If the rumours are true, we won't have to put up with it much longer".

I stopped in my tracks, feeling a surge of anger rise within me.

Pushing back my shoulders, I met Mrs Godwin's icy glare with a cold one of my own. "Mrs Godwin", I responded curtly, matching the frostiness in her tone. "I believe we have every right to be here without interference from those who don't understand".

She scoffed, "I won't stand idly by and watch you ruin this village with your foolishness".

My temper flared, and I raised my voice in frustration. "You may not approve of Crystal Clear, Mrs Godwin, but who gave you the right to act as gatekeeper for this community?" I'd reached fever pitch: "You know what? You preach all the time, but if Jesus were here now, I'm sure he'd think to himself what an absolute bitch you are!" With that, I turned and walked away, refusing to give that woman any more of my time or attention.

"God damn Mrs Godwin", I muttered furiously as I pushed open the shop door with more force than necessary.

Grace took one look at me and said quietly, "I'll go make us some tea".

I sat by the window, staring out without really seeing anything.

Grace handed me a warm mug and spoke gently. "Here, you look like you could use this".

"Thanks", I murmured gratefully.

"Don't let Mrs Godwin get to you", she advised. "It's no surprise she wants us out and she's not going to change. Best thing to do is ignore her. One foot in the grave and all that".

I couldn't help but laugh at her sharp remark, feeling a little better already.

"That was mean", Grace admitted. "But I'm glad it made you smile".

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. "It wasn't really about her. I was already reeling from something else, and she just added fuel to the fire.

"What's happened?"

"I think you should sit down for this one", I confessed, covering my face with my hands in embarrassment. Even though I was a 28-year-old woman capable of making her own choices, sleeping with our investor and future business partner probably wasn't the smartest move. But it had happened, and I needed someone to talk to about it.

"I just have to say it...I slept with Leo last night".

Her brows shot up in surprise, creating delicate arches above her wide eyes. She stared at me with a mix of shock and curiosity.

"Well, I was not expecting that", she finally said, breaking the silence. "I want every sordid detail".

"No Grace" I said throwing a pillow at her. "The tension this morning, oh and the fact he couldn't wait to get away from me. It wasn't a good idea. It wasn't planned and it won't happen again".

But Grace's excitement only seemed to grow as she leaned in closer. "So, he was a disappointment?" she asked eagerly.

"Grace!" I exclaimed, feeling my cheeks flush.

"What?!" she said, throwing her arms up dramatically. "You can't just drop a bombshell like that and then refuse to talk about it. I need something juicy. I'm not letting it go".

"Right, fine", I conceded. "He was far from a disappointment. Top two, maybe even number one. It was amazing, alright? And that's why I feel so shitty. He acted all business-like in the morning, killed the mood, and then just left". My voice trailed off as the memory flooded back, leaving a knot in my stomach.

Grace's grin turned into a sympathetic frown as she reached out to pat my arm reassuringly. "Men can be such dicks sometimes", she said.

"Tell me about it", I muttered under my breath, feeling both frustrated and disappointed by the whole situation.

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