"Yeah" she shrugged, shooting him a devilish smile, "but that's why you love me".

As word spread quickly, and whilst Kayla was getting the fourth degree from everyone around her as well as random boys trying to convince her to date them instead, Stiles was getting high fives and back slaps from people he hadn't spoken to since elementary school.

"This is weird" Stiles said, walking from his first class and down the corridor with Scott, clumsily accepting another fist bump from someone that he was pretty sure used to try and waterboard him in the school toilets, "have we been transported to an alternative reality where I'm, dare I say it, cool?"

"You mean in your dreams?"

"Shut up" he said, slapping his friend as he was forced to accept a sloppy high five from someone running past, "this is weird though, right?"

"It's because everyone knows you're dating Kayla" Scott pointed out, "with that little porn show you put on earlier, word spreads fast".

"So I'm like cool by proxy then? Like cool-adjacent".

Scott laughed, "no, you're dating someone cool. Someone that half the school was wanting to date".

"Well, they can't date her now. I'm dating her".

"Everyone got that message loud and clear" Scott smirked, "which, by the way, finally. It was getting to be unbearable around the two of you. I could smell the hormones. Thank god you actually grew a pair".

"I-I-I have always had my pair thank you very much" Stiles muttered in an affronted tone, "my pair are very firmly attached. I was just, uh waiting for the right time to, y'know, make my move. I totally had a plan and hey, look-" he extended his arms out dramatically, "-it worked. She fell for my unmistakable charm and wit and even willingly kisses me so take that" he smirked triumphantly as he finished.

"She kissed you, didn't she?" Scott asked knowingly.

"... Well... yeah, but I didn't run away this time. I kissed her back - with tongue" he added.

"I didn't need to know that Stiles".

"Let a man brag, will you?"

"She's going to eat you alive" Scott laughed, repeating his favourite phrase when it came to the topic of Kayla and Stiles.

"Good. She can do whatever she wants to me and I will take it-"

"Well done Stilinski" the sudden intrusion of their fellow lacrosse player, James, cut in front of them, slapping Stiles on the shoulder, "I have no idea how you managed to get that, but congrats are in order. Maybe you're not a complete loser after all".

"Gee, thanks" Stiles muttered sarcastically, "I'll take that as a compliment, shall I?"

"You're dating the hottest girl in school, of course it's a compliment" he replied, obviously too dumb to sense the sarcasm, "how the hell did that happen, by the way?"

"Maybe by treating her like an actual human being and not a piece of meat, maybe" he shrugged, unable to stop the roll of his eyes.

"HA - funny" James chortled, "no, but really - how?"

He and Scott looked at each other, both wondering the exact same thing - how could someone entrusted with a high school education be this god damn stupid?

"Toxic masculinity" he replied back in a snarky tone, "of course".

Again, the guy did not pick up on the sarcasm. Dumbly nodding along like Stiles had given him the best advice known to man.

I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite) // Stiles Stilinski x OCWhere stories live. Discover now