Fourty Three: "Good Idea: Epilogue."

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"Oh, will wonders ever cease? Blessed be the mystery of love

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"Oh, will wonders ever cease? Blessed be the mystery of love."



"Quinn? Where did you go?" Hallyn yelled for her boyfriend. They were taking a walk on the beach, Hallyn stopped to take a picture and turned around to find Quinn nowhere to be found. They were back in Michigan for the summer. A place that Hallyn would always call home.

She started walking aimlessly. Calling out for him every so often. Finally something shiny caught her attention and her knees buckled beneath her.

Laid out on the sand was a half circle of beautiful white roses. Littered between the flowers were a few tea candles. The scene absolutely took her breath away.

She could see that Quinn was crying before she even got over to him. His shoulders were shaking as soft tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Quinn?" Her voice was soft and unsure as she approached him. He was nervous, she could see it in every line of his body.

"Come here baby." He reached out for her. He was always reaching for her. Always wanting her to be close. She shook her head, not fully believing this was happening. She wouldn't believe it until he said the words.

Once she was in his grasp again he cleared his throat. His eyes were swimming, his face was twisted with barely contained emotion.

She knew the minute he looked at her. She could so clearly see the love. His eyes asked the question before his mouth ever said the words.

Her throat was closing up on her. She tried desperately to swallow around the lump but it proved to be too difficult when he dropped down to one knee. Quinn popped open a box and there before her laid the most gorgeous ring she has ever seen.

"I always believed I'd meet me soul mate in a love at first sight situation. I thought I would meet her and just know she was the one. But you Hallie, you took me by surprise."

"When I first met you, you were nothing like I expected. Loud, passionate, kind, and incredibly selfless. You swept me up in the wave that is your very being and knocked me straight off my feet. I never tried to get back up again. Never wanted to."

"The first time we met I knew you were special but even then I had no idea. I had no idea what you would come to mean to me. I think not having that love at first sight connection was what made our love so strong. You slowly gave me bits and pieces of yourself and as the time went on those pieces fell into place like a domino containing our density, our future. I took those pieces and shoved them into myself, using them to fill the cracks in my heart. I did it because I cannot get enough of you. "

Bad Idea - Q. HughesWhere stories live. Discover now