Nineteen: "Party"

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"All of this silence and patience

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"All of this silence and patience. Pining and anticipation. My hands are shaking from holding back from you."

Happy.Boes4 added to their story...

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"Does this look slutty?" Hallyn slid out of the bathroom. Luke and Ethan were sprawled out on her bed. The three of them have become a little trio with Odessa spending most of her time with her family.

Hallyn didn't mind that Odessa wasn't around much. She understood the need to spend time with her family since they lived so far away from each other. Luke and Ethan have become her emotional support besties and she wouldn't change it for the world.

"Yes," they both snapped their heads up. Staring jaw dropped at Hallyns outfit. The Hughes brothers were throwing a party tonight since their parents were away for the evening and Hallyn was on a mission to get drunk and look hot.

"Good!" she clapped her hands together in excitement. "That's what I was going for!"

Luke came to stand in the doorway as Hallyn fussed with her hair, "Quinn's going to murder you the minute you step outside wearing that."

Hallyn turned her head to face him, eyebrows furrowed. For the past few days Quinn and Hallyn had actually been getting along. They argued here and there but he was treating her like she was actually someone he considered a friend.

"Just because he pulled the stick out of his ass doesn't mean he gets a say in what I wear or don't wear. I'd like to see him try and say something."

Luke held his hands up while smirking down at her, "Yikes. Someone has strong feelings about that."

Hallyn dropped her hands to her side and turned her full attention to the taller boy in front of her, "I have strong feelings because a man has no right to tell a woman what to wear. If you have that mindset when it comes to the woman in your life then i've lost a little bit of respect for you. I know you grew up around just boys but I also know that your mom raised you so much better than that."

Bad Idea - Q. HughesWhere stories live. Discover now