Thirty Four: "Bar"

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"And I don't know how I can do without

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"And I don't know how I can do without. I just need you now."

Dessa.Cooper added to their story....

Cooper added to their story

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Caption: It's a vibe😎


"Girls night!" Odessa screams into the air as they step out of their uber. The two girls snuck away from the boys and were planning on bar hopping for the night.

"Do you think they noticed we are gone yet?"

"No definitely not. They were all playing COD," Hallyn responded as she wrapped an arm around Odessa and tugged her towards the entrance of the club.

They had pregamed a little before so the two girls were stumbling slightly. The air around them was warm as the sun was setting.

Their ID's were checked at the door and once they were inside Hallyn took to the dance floor immediately. Odessa ran off to the bar to grab them drinks.


A few hours, 3 different bars, and a horrific amount of alcohol later Hallyn realized that maybe bar hopping wasn't the best idea. She was stood on a small stage in the corner with one hand wrapped around a bottle of tequila and the other holding onto a microphone.

"Fever dream high in the quiet of the night you know that I caught it."

The material of her mini skirt swished over the tops of her thighs as she danced around the stage. Everyone below her was cheering, some dancing with her. Clearly she wasn't the only one drunk off her ass.

"And it's new, the shape of your body it's blue. The feeling i've got."

She was now jumping up and down. Her heels were echoing off the floor as she yelled the lyrics into the microphone. There was something about Taylor Swift that made her feel like she could fly.

Bad Idea - Q. HughesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora