Twenty Seven: "Knew it"

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"And I hope I never loose you

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"And I hope I never loose you. Hope it never ends. I'd never walk Cornelia Street again."


"You better have a damn good reason for calling me so early in the morning," Odessa grumbled as Hallyn let her in the house. The blonde shushed her friend and all but dragged her out towards the back yard.

They set up two chairs by the boat dock as it was the farthest point away from the house. Hallyn waited for Odessa to settle in before she deep dived into everything that happened last night.

She was quiet for a while. Her brain working overtime trying to process through the emotions she was feeling.

On one hand Hallyn was so damn excited. She had been toeing that line with Quinn lately. Secret touches, lingering glances. She knew it was inevitable that they would eventually call the back and forth quits. Eventually they would realize that fighting the feelings was futile. Hallyn knew they'd be better together.

On the other hand she was terrified. Knowing how wishy-washy Quinn could be had her taking a step back. She wanted to have a serious conversation with him. Lay down the law before she allowed herself to fully dive into this.

It was huge that Quinn made the first move in opening up about his feelings. It was beyond random and completely caught her off guard but it was a small relief that he was the one who brought it up first.

She had seen a change in him recently. He obviously had his moments but for the last couple of days he'd been much kinder, more tolerable, and was easier to be around.

Hallyn knew why he guarded himself so heavily. It was a knee jerk reaction to protect himself and she understood it. She had done it herself a time or two. Fully trusting someone you just met enough to open yourself up to them is really hard and she knew he had been burned before.

"I may or may not have said yes when Quinn asked me to be his girlfriend."

The words spilled out of her mouth. She waited with bated breath as Odessa processed what she just told her. Hallyn meant to beat around the bush a little bit but apparently she had been spending too much time with Quinn and was suffering from word vomit.

Odessa slowly turned her head to look at Hallyn, face blank. The blonde stared at her friend with a nervous expression, "What."

Her voice was soft like she was up against a wild animal. Trying not to make loud sounds or quick movements in order to avoid scaring her.

"Last night we were coming home from our adventure day which I now think was his way of taking me on a date and he blurted out this long winded almost love confession and I said yes. I said I would be his girlfriend and now i'm freaking out a little. Okay, im freaking out a lot."

Odessa pulled Hallyn into a tight hug. The two girls held eachother for a few long moments before letting go, "I need you to tell me right now if this is a good thing. Do you feel the same way? Are you ready for that type of commitment with him?"

Hallyn sighed heavily, "Honestly Dess, i've been tailing that fucker like a lost puppy from the minute I met him. I tried to tell myself that it was just a casual crush but nothing that I feel for him is casual. It's a heart crushing type of devotion."

"He fucking consumes me. Like waves crashing over a beach I am drowning in everything that is him. I love his family, I love his friends, I love the way he carries himself. The way he walks and talks. I love how he looks at me when he thinks I don't notice and i'm tired of pretending that I don't love him."

A smile stretched over Odessa's face that Hallyn had never seen before. It was bright and knowing, "I was waiting for you to finally come to that realization."

She scooted over and patted the seat next to her. Hallyn didn't hesitate to climb in the seat. The two girls were squished together, Hallyn had her head on Odessa's chest while the dark haired girl rubbed her back in small circles, "You two have been dancing around eachother for months. I knew this would happen eventually. I understand you are scared and unsure and that's completely normal. After everything you guys have been through it would be more concerning if you weren't a little bit hesitant."

"Take that hesitation and build on it. Turn your fears into trust and allow that man to love you like I knows he's capable of doing," Odessa squeezed her arm twice before continuing to rub her back. "I'm really happy for you Hallie. It's about damn time."

"You don't think I made a rash decision?"

Odessa smiled down at her, "I think deep down if you really thought it was rash you wouldn't have said yes. You are one of the smartest people I have ever met. You know what you do and don't deserve."

Hallyn laughed softly. The ache in her chest that kept her up all last night was slowing dissipating. She couldn't be fully soothed until she hashed everything out with Quinn but talking to Odessa has really helped put things into a new perspective.

"Can I ask you what changed? What made you realize that he could be the one?"

"Nothing changed and everything changed at the same time. I think we both unknowingly started handing over pieces of ourselves. Little chucks of each other that made me realize he was more than I thought. He was deeper and more convulted than I ever could have imagined."

Odessa nodded along, "He sure is a complicated one."

"Yeah he is. I collected the pieces of him like little shells that I could have on my own private display and somewhere along the way I realized I wanted to keep them. I couldn't imagine letting those pieces go when they had become apart of me. He became intertwined with my very soul."

Hallyn looked up at her friend, eyes watering slightly. "Sorry, that's probably a tad dramatic."

"Never apologize for expressing the things you feel. Ever if they are grand and dramatic you have nothing to apologize for, your feelings are always valid." Odessa scolded her gently.

"I missed you."

"Oh please, you have everyone in that house wrapped around your finger you don't have enough time to miss me. And now you apparently have a new boyfriend."

"A new gorgeous boyfriend that I hope still wants to be my boyfriend after the haze has worn off."

"Don't think about it like that. Quinn finally came around to accept how he feels and now you guys can move forward," Odessa poked her in the back with a sharp nail, "After you lay down the law. Don't fuck that man until you are both fully on the same page."

"Too late."

Odessa damn near jumped out of the chair almost knocking Hallyn over in the process, "Shut up!"

"Okay no we haven't fucked yet but well we've done just about everything else."

"You dirty girl, tell me everything. And spare no details."

The two girls settled in as Hallyn dove into all the dirty details. Spilling everything to her friend as they cuddled together on that wooden beach chair.


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