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Raven stirred, something cold crawled back to her spine and she looked behind her. there was nothing there beside the clouds heavy with rain.

"You are agitating, Raven. What is it?" Seraphyx inquired as her wings slow down emitting no sounds. "You will find Araxys, he is waiting for you."

"How do you know?"

"He can feel you getting close."

If he could, that meant even the prince could too.

"He could, but I'm guessing he'll be very occupied with what is going on. Zed tells me they are approaching faster than we expected."

It meant she had less time.


"I just need to be quick. I got out of this castle once; I can do it again."

"Now, this is what I like to hear. Remember, call me as soon as you're done. I will snatch you and we'll be on our way."
Unless Araxys wanted to carry her.

"Oh, I would never come between a dragon and their rider." Joked Seraphyx as the castle came into view. It looked less majestic than she remembered. The half-destroyed dragon on top of it had two torches in his eyes making his half-crocked smile and no wings. After Araxys attack, they never fixed it and Raven always wonder why.

"Because they have a real dragon now." Replied the dragon landing next to the forest, still invisible. She almost made no sound as her claws curled around the ground and she stretched helping Raven dismount.

"Thank you." Raven smiled tenderly; her eyes twinkled in the darkness making Seraphyx white fangs flash briefly.

"You can thank me when we're done. I might have doomed you for good." Raven felt Zed startled. He had heard the thought.

Sera nodded her long neck before taking her leave. As soon as she was lost in the dark of the night, Raven took a deep breath and turned, ready to take a step toward the castle when a popping sound irrupted in the forest and every hair on her neck raised in warning.

She snapped like a twig and as her eyes took in the little figure before she paled. Her legs shook, she almost fainted. This has to be a joke.

Zelda's long extremely white curls shook as she rose from the ground where she had dropped. Raven begun to panic.

"What, what, what."

Seraphyx alarmed feelings shot warnings to Raven through their bond.

"I'm here to help." She said in her short pants and what looked like one of Zed's shirt that had been cut to fit her somehow with a long rope wrapped around her waist so it would hold in place.

"This is not a place for a child." She called for Seraphyx but the dragon's wings couldn't be heard anywhere.

"Guards are patrolling close, I can't risk them hearing me land. You must take her with you. she'll be safer."

Hungry boots were making their way around and Raven immediately snatched Zelda up and run toward the sewers. She hid in one of the tunnels and wait until they crossed before removing her hand from Zelda's lips.

"You are going back! You can't stay here, your brother will kill me if he finds out."

"Find out what?" Zed's voice pierced her veil and she closed her eyes before shutting him up.

"how did you get here?" Raven asked lowering her voice as she watched the way Zelda's icy hair shine even in the pitch black of the darkness. How was that even possible? What were they reflecting? There was no light.

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now