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then the door closed Raven collapsed on the dragon's paw.

"Hatchling?" Zeus hooted and crawled on her lap. Raven squeezed it to her chest. It was soft and smelled like home.

"I'm just exhausted. I used a lot of power today" Araxys then gently picked Raven's up to place her carefully on her bed.

"He doesn't know about the king's power, hatchling."

"And it has to stay that way until he stops being an asshole."

Araxys curled next to Raven canopy. It was almost funny to see a large dragon parked by her bed like this immense dog with a small owl that jumped on his head from time to time to find the perfect spot.

"He should. It could be vital. He is convinced I can win against him."

"Can you?"

"If you want me to. Yes. But it will cost me."

Raven closed her eyes softly.

"I would never ask for you to scarify anything for me. It's not our war. It's the royals, let them play their own games, we have other things we must worry about."

Her voice had become barely audible so Araxys scooched closer. His nose was against Raven's hand and head as she fell asleep holding him.

It was afternoon when her maids eventually decided to venture inside Raven's room. They found her naked and profoundly asleep against Araxys nose. the dragon didn't even move when the women rushed to check on the princess. It was vital for him to simply stay there and recharge his hatchling. Raven had used so much power the day prior that she almost had consumed herself. It was something that should have never happened. The princess was washed with a sponge bath and covered with a duvet, not that she needed it. she was as hot as the lava stones Araxys used for a nest. She was so warm that the water in the sponges evaporated almost immediately.

Araxys declared her with what his kind called: hatchling fever. Sometimes little dragon would tire themselves so much that they would get a fever. It usually died down after a day of absolute rest but Raven was human and she needed more care and silence.

Raven could recall only small things about her illness. One was Zeus that kept hooting and jumping on her warm body until he flew out of the window.

"How long has she been asleep?"

"Three days?"

"What does the dragon say about it?"

"She has to stay unbothered until she wakes."

"That's absurd, she needs to eat. She will die."

"Then please, your majesty" Raven heard the sound of plats clutter. "I invite you to try and surpass the dragon yourself. Since I am not able to fight it."

Plates were thrown and Raven flinched barely making Araxys start boiling with rage. The two-intruders left and Raven fell again in her long sleep.

A cold breeze brushed against Raven's cheek and she fluttered her eyelashes. Her eyes burnt and she felt dizzy but she managed to sit.

Araxys was fast asleep she caressed his snout as she found her legs moving. It was so damn hot; she needed a little air. The spring ball the royal palace had held was indeed a mark on the end of winter. She peeked from the cavern. There was no trace of snow if not on the highest three in the forest. She was boiling, needed something to freshen up. Araxys seemed tired, he didn't even rise his eyelash to check on her.

She felt better but not good enough to sneak out of the palace.

She wished to find comfort. Her bones were on fire and she was sweating through her very thin nightgown.

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