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"Your Grace." The beautiful voice of Lady Jane came peeking through the door. "Oh, you look nice."

The last word almost didn't want to come out.

Raven had dressed herself with the first dress she had found. A long sleeve dress with a small v cut on the front. A vivid red silky gown that was a simple as she could find.

Since the day the prince had stuck a ring to her finger, veery few other colors had survived. She had worn every shade of red known to men. She didn't particularly mind it, dressing and accessorizing weren't something Raven torment about.

She simply didn't think it was the right color to wear for an evet like this. Slaves would be auction and there she was dressed in silk, flaunting her status toward them.

"Thank you, lady Jane. I'm afraid I'm not very good at dressing myself."

"I could tell, your majesty." She clapped her hands and two girls with short hair marched inside holding something fluffy in their arms.

"I would like to present you with a gift."

Lady Jane sided the gown from the two maids and before Raven, stood a fairy light green dress in tulle. It was covered in flowers and branches, it remained of her favorite place. She had never snapped out of a dress faster than that moment.

When Lady Jane, eustatically helped Raven get it on, Raven smiled at the two small girls giggling before her happiness.

Once she was fixed, the off-shoulder dress seemed to have bee designed specifically for Raven. It fit her like a glove.

"wouldn't it be too much?" she inquired.

"Not as much as wearing the same color of the people who are going to sell them."

She had a point.

The two women walked downstairs, Raven waved at the maids, her heart sore but she didn't dare to go there. To think about them. One was safe, the other had moved on. She had made sure her spirit would run away from here.

They reach the main hall, nobles were deep in chat, Raven watched them exchanged small pouches, full of rings no doubt.

She had called for help but three had been no sign of Zed. She didn't know what to think of it. a part of her was glad she didn't visit him in her dreams or that she didn't teleport to his castle. Things could get weird at the moment. She felt terribly guilty even thinking about him after what Araxys had told her.

Raven had hidden a tiny beg with what Zed had previously given her. she would try and buy as many of them as she could. She had made a mental list of what to prioritize even though she would probably sell herself knowing it will free them.

Maybe Zeus had lost himself. Maybe this time the message didn't get through.

Raven felt it in the core of her soul that he would come to her aid. There wasn't a real trace of doubt, just.

she knew it like she knew she was made of pure fire.

She simply hoped he didn't make it theatrical like he always did.

The ticking sound of pointy shoes on the marble echoed in the hall as the king, with the viper at his side, paraded through their nobles before sitting on their high ground golden thrones.

"I hate her." raven muttered and Lady Jane squeezed her hand tenderly.

"I do too, milady."

Rave glared at lady Jane. The woman was dressed once again in deep green simple of her nation, she had light wrinkle over her eyes and yet she looked atoningly stark and beautiful.

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