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"He doesn't know what he's talking about."

"Except he does. I lost it in there, X. I was so mad I wanted to destroy the king and everything he stands for."

"I know, hatchling. I felt your rage but we will find a way for you to wield it. You're stronger than you think. I chose you for a reason."

"You picked me because I saved you. that's the only reason. I know it, you know it. the shadow prick probably knows it too."

Raven's eyes burn but she refused to subdue to her womanly heart. So she breath in and decided she would take a walk to clear her mind.


"Please, don't follow me. I need a moment to think."

Araxys had so many things he wanted to tell her but Raven couldn't bear the thought of finally hearing him say what she knew to her core. She had been a fortuity, not a choice. She had been at the right place at the right time and he had felt as if he owed her. that's why he came back to save her.

That was the only reason.

That's why he wouldn't let her ride him. she wasn't worthy.

Raven sneaked out of her room and down the stairs a silent as a cat. Couple of guards were patrolling but it was a joke going around them without being seen. She had done it many times in the past, it wasn't really a challenge anymore.

She climbed over the small window near the kitchen quarters and when her feet touched the grass of the royal gardens, she felt her old self snap right back in place.

The icy air was a welcome hitch. It crawled its way into her lungs and stung beautifully.

It was mid-winter, very cold but she never felt better.

She carefully made her way to the edge of the castle walls and used the frozen ivy to climb over it.

Once she was on the other side, a smile crept and her legs sprinted before she could think.

Running freely was liberating. Her heart leaped and when the first trees of the whispering forest embraced her, she jumped inside the woods with open arms.

She was home again.

"Don't get too far." He warned her.

"Out of my mind, dragon!" she imagined to shut a door in his face and he fell silent. It must have worked or maybe he simply respects her decision because he didn't spoke again.

Raven begun to twirl; the snow was lazily falling on her light fabric dress but she couldn't care less.

The birds, the sound the forest made, was a soothing balm to her wounds. It always had been.

She wondered if Zeus was around. She longed to see the little howl, to know he was okay. So, she whistled that special sound she knew he would recognize. She called for him but no one answered.

She knew he was smart; she had told him to go far away and probably was waiting for her to find him. she didn't have much time now, but she promised herself she would soon.

It was a blessing he wasn't around really. The king had one less thing to use against her.

Raven took shelter under a little narrowing offered by some abandoned animal lair. She sat and simply watched the woods get to life around her the more still she grew.

She saw a fox pass by with two cubs, some rabbits and even a large deer eating from couple trees down where she was.

She was starting to doze off when the sound of snapping metal jolted her up. She had known that specific one since she could remember. It was the sound of men meddling into nature, steal what was not theirs to take.

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now