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"No, no, no." the old librarian was whispering, shaking his head vigorously. "There's no way she could access the library."

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

It was the third time they had this conversation; the third time Baylor had his hand on his sword but didn't pull it out. The old ma wouldn't bulge

"She's a fire hazard and anything that can light up or even generate the smallest spark, is not allowed in the library."

Raven could understand his prospective, he was supposed to guard the books and she was more than a fire hazard.

"If the princess wants to be in the library, she would be in the library." Baylor threatened moving the man aside. He was so slim, he simply had to physically lift him by the arms and placed it next to the entrance. And yet, the moment he let go of the librarian, he came back to defend his beloved books.

"I have a proposition."

The old man fixed his monocle and sniffed interested.

"What if I tell you what I need and you procure it to me?"

His long white bear and dark red togue were neatly hanged over his boney chest, he looked like a fossil really but Raven Admired his spirit.

"I could absolutely do that, your grace. But there will still be the risk of you setting it accidently on fire and we have some of the rarest volume in this library, I simply couldn't allow it."

He was right, she didn't feel enough in control to promise she wouldn't set it on fire.

"I could enchant it so it would not catch fire." Araxys suggested and she retorted to the librarian. He left a dark eyebrow, suspiciously eying Raven.

"I'm still not convinced."

"Let's just say, that if I don't get what I ask, it's not just the books that will oddly catch fire." Raven smug as she rose a hand and a small flame was produced. Raven guided it past the librarian and it landed right at the center of the shelves. She focused and it begun to grow.

She was becoming good at doing what she wanted with her powers. It made her feel secure.

But most important, it made them afraid.

"Okay, okay. Please do turn the fire out, your grace."

Raven snapped her finger and the fire stopped.
"As you can see, I'm pretty good a containing my powers. Now move aside, I want to explore."

The old man, to his credit, did step to the side but followed Raven for every step she took in the library. She danced through the shelves, not recognizing anything. she was getting frustrated.

She had forgot one important detail.

She still couldn't read.

Araxys spelled it out in her mind.

"What is this?"

"What you're looking for."

Raven asked for a piece of paper and she copied what Araxys had presented before her eyes. The face the old man made, caused Raven to scoff.

"You can't write, can you your grace?"

"Hush!" she growled looking at Baylor who had stayed guard by the door. Raven called ball of fire appeared right next to his face. "Or I'll torch you right here."

He cleared his throat and picked up the paper, turning it upside down many times before understand what she was looking for.

"You have to check in the ancient section, follow me please."

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