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When someone had eventually come to take Raven off Lady Marill, she had her face completely scratched. It would take months for each streak to heal and it would probably scar anyway.

Raven had gone for it specifically. She wanted to wiped that smug off her face when she had suggested for Lela to be flogged again. Because she thought she needed more. On what base, Raven didn't know.

"I think we would need a little air, don't you think Vesperius? Maybe a walk will do her good, she seemed possessed."

"Lady Alina and Zyra, please do follow me. We will escort the two love birds on their stroll."

The two ladies didn't dare to take a step as Raven kicked in the princes hold.

"Give me a moment, mother. We can meet under the rose arch in the meantime."

He dragged Raven down the stairs and out in the wintery landscape. He turned her around and block her by the arms so she would look at him.

"What were you thinking? Lady Maril is a high lady her father is full of money and could have you killed in no time. What gotten into you, princess?"

"You have no right to flog my maids. They were a gift to me and I free them. They are my ladies in waiting and he flogged them. Do you really want to see me go ballistic on all of you? Because I will, I'm this close."

For the first time, the prince seemed taken by surprise. She couldn't understand why until he spoke.
"You free them? Have you learned nothing yet?"

"I gave them names; they are legally free citizen of this country. Doesn't the law say that if a master anoints a name to their slave, they no longer belong to that category? " that's what her mother used to tell her at least. She hoped it was true.

Her mother never got to have one, so when Raven was born, since she had birthed her in a nasty cell in the middle of the night, the first thing she did, was give her child a name so even after Raven had been marked with the number, that name stayed. It was hers forever and no one could take it away. And till the last moment she laid eyes on her mother, that was what she used to call her daughter.

So, she would never forget it.

The smile that spread on his lips made Raven take a step back. It was dangerously genuine.

"You aren't as silly as I thought you to be."

He pinched his nose still with this huge grin on his lips and he offered her his elbow.

"Walk with me, let's talk."

"You can go die in the arms of Mirah for what I care."

the prince's arm was again wrapped tightly around her waist. "Now, now. I thought you were starting to understand. I wasn't asking for permission."

The snow crunched under their steps. Shortly behind them, the queen and two very pale high ladies followed her close by.

"I will inform my father that the ladies are to be left out of the torturing quarters." He offered but Raven decided she would simply stay silent until he would get off of her.

He kept asking questions all of which remained unanswered.

His hand slipped over her hip as he lifted Raven over the small bridge. The gesture would seem delicate if she didn't see him look behind only seconds before doing it.

It was simply a show.

And the adoring sighs that follow were the prize he was looking for.

He was used to perform for his crowd and Raven hated it.

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