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"Do they know I'm here?"

Araxys nodded and she sighted. "You're lying to me, I'm getting tired of being treated like an baby. I want to know, I have every right to ignore your advices if I'm not informed. Tell me why you hate him so much at least."
"The king? He took something from me, something precious."
"What?" she retorted, tired of the going around.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, Araxys. I've never read a single book so I have no fucking idea. Can you simply answer me? Just this once."

It was important that he did. She needed to trust him and with everything that was going on, it was turning out that the only person she could trust, was the king he despised so much.
Araxys crossed his front legs and Raven's watched his eyes narrowed. He didn't like when she had an attitude but being nice wasn't getting her anywhere.

"If I tell you, you would never look at him with the same eyes. Are you sure you wish to know? You seemed rather..,. attached."

Rave nodded stepping closer to him. "I'll be the judge of that. Just please tell me the whole story. I can take it."

"He killed my family."

Raven's thought she heard wrong so the dragon kept going.

"The power he holds, the fact that he is resistant to my fire is because he was made as a counter for Dragon magic. A Dragon can die in very few ways, infected wounds we are not able to treat, old age and if our heart stops. He's the only one capable of frosting my heart." Raven's legs fell weak and she had to sit on the pavement. "Because of him, I lost my mate and my hatchling."

Araxys' eyes had turned into pool of sadness and she now understood why he called her like that. Why he was so protective, why he never wanted any harm to come to her. why he had told her she was his even if they did not share blood. I was like she was his baby and the last chance he had to make it right.

"it's not easy for dragon to produce babies since the emperor cursed the entire Roylat, our hatchling grounds had always been here. And when he ordered us to never set foot on this soil again, we lost our land too. It has become hard to find safe places where we can hatch in peace. I had set my lair in one of Twistal's many caves under the mountain of Whispers, we thought it was safe, but I was wrong. The king evidently didn't like that we were that close to his castle and so he came to send us away. I went haunting, my mate had stayed back to take care of our little one, since it was my turn and when I came back, I found the king spread over my hatchling's body. He had frosted his heart and there was nothing me or my mate could do to bring him back. I watched my hatchling gasp for air as he turned to ice. He gagged under my claws until he couldn't breathe anymore. I held him and felt his life run away. This broke his mother's heart, he was the second one to die, the first didn't even managed to crawl his way back out of the egg. When he died, Seraphyx couldn't bear the thought and had asked the king to do the same to her. I was too late to save her too. I was too focus on my little one, that I hadn't notice she was turning too. She was too far gone when I realized."

It made absolutely no sense.

Raven had never been a rational person, but why a person with so many wild animals in his castle, someone that had been a human shield so that Araxys fire wouldn't touch the walls and the animals, would do something so despicable.

But the pain in Araxys' tone was real, she felt it in her veins he was telling the truth.

"you're lying." She said even though she knew he was not.

"What reason do I have to? You asked me a question I didn't even want to answer. Why would I lie about something of this importance, hatchling?"

"He has been kind to me, I'm sure there's an explanation to all of this."

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now