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The beautiful crystal table the king had created was hosting a very frustrated Raven.

"One more time."

"I told you I got it."

"No, you didn't."

In the process of going back and forth, the king's shirt had slipped out of his pants and was now purring around his body freely. It was getting hard for Raven to stay focus when all she could think of, was the way the gray fabric pressed against his chest and then move away again.

"Let's try a more practical approach."

The king stalked toward the table and sat next to Raven, offering his hand.

"I can't touch you, so please help me before I throw you and this table into the pond." Well, at least Raven had discovered that this patience wasn't endless. He had been trying to explain her that whenever the prince would touch her, graze her hand or place his hand over her lower back, she didn't need to jump all the way back to his next life.

Raven's finger found his and he squeezed tenderly.

"Don't flinch." And she scoffed instead. Because that was exactly what she wanted to do. "And don't pout like that. You're suppose to be in love with this man. All I see is disgust and that better not be for me, little Lynx."

"It's not disgust!" she complained but forced herself not to retrieved her hand. "I simply don't get why me, that I'm the chosen one by a prophecy of many, many years ago, can't get around to decide if I want to be harassed or not. Shouldn't they all do what I want them to?"
The king moved a little closer, his left arm fell behind Raven's back and he got almost in her face. Raven didn't move one inch.

"They should. I suggest you, when you finally leave me alone and go back to Roylat, to scout the library down below. It might have papers about the prophecy you really need to read."

Raven pulled her hand back and she spread on the table face down.

"I can't read."

"I know. But your dragon can."


"Yes, Raven. Your dragon can read for you, he can also show you words and you can copy them to practice writing, if you get bored. I suppose he didn't tell you that?"

Raven knew he was able to understand human language and all, but she never really thought of it that way.

"If you ever find yourself in need, you can use this escamotage. But in the meantime, learn how. They are keeping you ignorant for a reason. They give you a teacher for everything beside what really need, have you ever wondered why?"

"They don't give me a teacher for everything...."

She had a teacher that taught her how to gulp down food properly, now that she taught about it.

"I don't think I have it in me to learn. I am not that bright."

"You speak quite well for being illiterate."

"That's because I like to listen when no one is looking."

He reached for her hair and moved it back behind her ear. He was so cold to the touch that made Raven moan relieved. It was so nice to stop scorching feeling for even a split second.

"Now, how affectionate does the shadow prince wants you to be?"

"He didn't specify." She added moving back up until her back found his arm again. "How far can it go in public?"

"My, my." The king pinched his nose breathing out slowly. "Considering he's a man and a prince, pretty far. It depends on what you let him do, really."

And he proceeded to show her even if he couldn't touch her properly. She still felt his closeness.

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now