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The prince came running down the slope, sliding as if he was walking on water and stopped right before Raven. she had managed to rubbed away almost everything however the last thing she wanted, was to walk out of the water naked smelling like a pigsty but she had not much of a choice.

"Why it always feels like you are on the run and I'm chasing after you?" his face was concerned and a dark shadow was cast all over it. he was barely holding it together. Raven eyed the two soldiers behind him and then the prince.

He understood before she could even speak.

"Take Lady Jane to the carriage. We'll be right with you." The two men nodded and the clangor of metal was heard climbing the slope and disappeared in the distance.

She watched as he angrily unclasped his cloak and handed it to Raven. She stopped making bubbles in the water and stepped out taking it.

"You shouldn't be washing yourself in that water. It's dirty."
Raven was about to give one of her snarky remarks but she recalled what Lady Jane had said and so she lowered her voice and decided she would speak only if the words would hold a coat of honey instead of venom.

"The dirtiest thing in there was probably me."

Raven tied the mantel around her neck and watched as the prince's whole face panic. As if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he sounded so alarmed Raven almost laughed.

"Me? I'm not doing anything." she stepped closer to him, her black eyes softened as she looked at him from under her long lashes. He was so taken back by how she was acting that he begun to blabbed.

"I don't get why you feel the need to run away all the time."

Raven fixed the strap of his uniform.

"If I wanted to escape do you really think that I would be coming to the village to hide. I have a dragon that can take me whenever I want." Raven watched as he swallowed and his anger diminished. He was so stunned, he couldn't even be mad anymore.

Maybe answering angry with angrier wasn't the solution. Maybe softly speaking when someone was being unreasonable was the right choice with him. Because he looked tamer than usual.

"You might have a point there."

Raven placed her palm over his chest and he whitened. His eyes run to the spot where his guards where and he pushed her against a wall so he would hide her with his body.

"What are you doing?" he mumbled, his words so fast they stumbled on each other. "They will see you."

Raven leaned against the trunk, and she pressed her lips together slowly. His eyes found them and got trapped in her movement.

"I'm trying not to make you mad."

He grunted as the only answer, his body pressed against hers as she gasped. Oh, he wasn't mad.

"Is it working?"

"Maybe." He answered reluctantly looking to the side.

"Good, so maybe we can have a civil conversation before you flip again." She had said it with so much calmness that he just glared at her. his hair fell over his eyes and his green glare, shone with a promise of revenge.

Raven rose slightly on her toes, and she brushed her nose against him for a quick moment. He grabbed her by the hips and kept her pressed. She felt him calling for her loud and clear. He was hungry.

"This seems like the perfect timing to tell you that you have to stop playing the watchdog. I'm committed to marrying you, you made sure of it by cursing me." Raven eyed the ring on her left hand but she didn't sound mad at all.

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