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The prince reached the shore with barely any strength. He had to carry Raven and himself through almost 200 hundred feet of water and he was exhausted. He dropped to the ground, his hands on Raven's thighs so she wouldn't fall forward as he gently put her down on the blanket and lay on his back gaining his breath back.

Araxys landed on the shore almost sliding into the water trying to stop. He had dropped from the sky at a speed that had made the world tremble as he jumped toward them.

"She's breathing." The prince rolled over and checked Raven's lips. She was barely alive.

Raven coughed, a rim of blood drooling on the side of her mouth.

"You reckless girl."

"I thought I could." She trembled as her eyes closed. Blood tears fell down and Araxys tone became worried.

"I better take her to the rocks."

"Yeah, you do that." The prince winced as the Dragon's claw closed around Raven. He eyed the prince from up to down with contempt.

"I just carried her all the way from the cave alone. I'm entitled to a little breather."

Zeus scurried in front of the prince with a provocative demeanor and then moved to Araxys.

And Raven thought she was dreaming because what said Araxys made absolutely no sense of existing.

"Yes, little one, I too am convinced the ruined king wouldn't need a breather either."

And he seemed to be enjoying himself because the prince rolled on his fours and send him a death glare. The prince grumbled but Araxys didn't give him the time to answer before flying away.

Raven was almost dead but when Araxys heard her sobbing half strangled giggle, he reassured himself she was well enough not to die today.

"You hush, I'm still disappointed."

And she eventually did when she begun coughing blood.

For the most part, Raven spend her dreams at the pond, on the swing. Because wherever she had decided to do with her heart, was not working. She ended up here every night, every blink of her eyes, every beat of her heart.

She looked around, making sure he was nowhere. She searched for him in every leave or rock or shadow. The only thing odd was the water that reflected weirdly on the surroundings. It was almost as if deflected but the moment she rose to check, it turned back to normal.

At this point, it was impossible that he didn't know Raven was there. He had simply decided he didn't want to show up and that was fine with her. This had turned out to be her sanctuary, a place just for her where she could heal.

At first everything was too confused for her to focus and understand. But when the day had passed, she had begun to recognize the sound of light steps as the sun begun to rise upon the tall cerulean trees. The familiar warmth, the tenderness as her hair were caressed.

And when she had been strong enough to open her eyes, she had seen her friend, there in a pretty night gown with clear blue ribbons and a long braid.


"Yes, your grace."

The first time, she had hugged her tightly until her hands had begun to hurt. She felt real, tangible, alive. Her warm body, her breath, the way her cheeks were rosy at times, she looked better than she had in life.

Raven would sit on the swing and they would not say anything. Ami would let her lay her head on her shoulder; she would brush the back of her hand over Raven's cheek while holding her hand with the free one.

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