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Raven's palm opened and immediately a fire ball appeared. The shadow prince, was out of himself, she noticed it by the way his shadows weren't dancing like they always did, caressing the ground around her. they were hissing like a very pissed set of snakes ready to snap at her.

This time, Raven wouldn't go without a fight.

The prince stepped forward, Raven rose her hand higher,

"Stay where you are, I've had enough of you today."

The shadows purred for Raven's threats and they stretched. They longed for her flesh.

"Put the fire ball down. I just want to talk."

And yet his eyes had turned back and the edges of his power sharp.

She heard a pissed hoot before watching her owl fly to the prince's face, attempting to scratch his face.


Raven threw the incandescent ball to the prince's feet hoping he would catch fire as she sprinted to save her friend. The prince was indeed distracted by Raven's mood but not enough to stop and so he clasped his shadows around the bird, or at least he tried.

Zeus was too fast even for him.

The owl whistled as to mock the prince before fling back on Raven's shoulder. She let her hands fall on her sides and smiled at the bird proudly.

Zeus hooted tenderly before squeaking and moving back on Araxys' body to be safer.

"I see he's back safe and sound."

Raven's hands found her hips and she stomped toward the prince baring her teeth.
"Go away. You're not welcome in my room."

He stepped forward pressing his forehead against hers. "You mean the room I chivalrously gave you in my own castle?"

"It's not yours anymore. Not until you succeed and actually marry me."

"Well news flash, princess." He grabbed her wrist bringing her left hand up and shoved a ring on her wedding finger. A red ruby shaped like a heart and she felt her throat clicked closed when it reached the end of her finger sealing her fate. "You will marry me, you like it or not, I cursed you now and there's not much you can do about it. Congratulations."

Raven shivered.

"You're a fool if you think-"

The words died on her lips because the more she attempted to pull the bend off her finger the more it clasped. It was enchanted and meant to stay on her skin until the deed was completed.

"What did you do?"

Araxys growl begun low as he rose from his usual position.

"Something I should have done the moment I found out she was the girl from the prophecy. Marked her so no one would attempt to take her away from me."

"She will die, if she decides not to fulfil your wish. Are you insane?" the dragon thundered moving forward. The entire castle begun to shake.

Raven pulled and pulled. It didn't come off. She even focused and attempted to burn it. nothing happened.

"She's dead anyway she decides to challenge fate." Raven had never been more determined to prove someone wrong than she was in this moment.

"He shouldn't have kissed you in front of my entire court. Now he will learn. You're not his to play with."

Raven's nose flinched; she couldn't believe his words.

"Oh and you think I will ever be yours now?" Raven's laugh was like a cold bucket of water on the prince. "I will harm, mutilate or kill myself how many times it takes to get this fucking ring off my finger. I told you. I despise you. You could have done so many things tonight, come here and ask me if I was okay, seeing if I got hurt. Instead, you marched in my room and acted like I owe you. No, worse. You acted like what happened was my fault. I didn't tell him to kidnap me nor did I wish for his kiss but you assumed the worst of me. I don't blame you, but I still fucking hate you for being a prick."

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now