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When Raven made her way to her room, Zelda was still tangled in the duvet and was just now waking from her long morning of sleep. She was grateful to see Raven and gave her even a crooked smile as the woman was scavenging for a dress in the wardrobe.

"Do you want me to call Lela and ask her to bring you breakfast here?" raven threw a long sleeve light blue dress on the bed next to the crumbled covers. Zelda kept staring at Raven as if she hadn't talked at all.

Raven grabbed the brush from her desk and passed it through her hair harshly. Having curly hair was a blessing until you decided to comb it or run something through it.

When raven couldn't take it any longer, she stopped with the brushed stuck in her curls and looked the girl back. "What?" she let out a little annoyed.

"You are beautiful." She said gently placing her chin on both palms as her small legs rocked back and forth. Raven felt a rush of blood flow in her cheeks and she turned, her eyes going everywhere but there.

"Yes, like a fly stuck on a web." She joked wrestling with the comb.

"No, you are really, really, really beautiful. Like a that beautiful cat, with pointy furry ears and large paws."

"A lynx?"

"Yes!" Zelda jumped happy that raven had guessed what she wanted to say. She was just like her brother and Raven had to stop herself from feeling an odd sensation of warmness travel in her stomach. She didn't want to get attached to anyone else. She didn't want for anyone to use them against her. Caring for Zed was one thing, she couldn't help it and he could take care of himself. This little rascal here was completely defenseless and she wouldn't take any chances.

Instead, she opened the door to her room and called Lela's name. she was basically staying in the room next to her so she popped out fully dressed and smiling.

"Yes, your grace?"

"Would you get something to eat for Zelda, please? She must be starving and I wouldn't object to keep her mouth full." Lela nodded and with the biggest grin she left. Raven didn't linger too long but she couldn't understand why her friend would just smile like that. She didn't say anything peculiar.

Anyway, she got back into the room where she found Zelda up on her feet. She was asking question after question, curious about anything. What was her favorite color, which animal she liked best, if she could see the giant mark on her neck.

Raven helped her washed her face and brushed her thin hair with care, afraid she would hurt her by pulling too hard when a door on her mind opened and a hand came tapping at the edge.

Raven shivered and she reached for it, brushing her fingers over it.

"Good morning, my lovely lynx. Slept well?"

"Aside from your sister snoring and taking most of the space, beautifully." She joked her eyes looked down at the girl that had oddly fell silent.

"Did you take care of my sister?" he sounded so amused when Raven pretended to be offended and moved away from the little girl

"Out of my head." She said out loud and Zelda jerked her head back suddenly understanding what was going on.

"I'm not pesting anyone." Another moment of silent then. "Pestering, whatever."

The hand in Raven's mind metaphorically reached under her leg, she felt it crawl up under her nightgown and squeeze her thigh, almost inches from where she wanted to really be touched.

"You have been up for a while, why are you not here with me Ravenna?" there was an undertone of dirty promises lingering behind her full name. Raven gulped nervously as the door opened and Lela walked in with a tray full of delicacy for Zelda.

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now