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When the prince closed the door behind him, Raven screamed all the rage out.

She banged her fists on the pavements, refusing to let him win. They couldn't win and she would never let them.

Her maids rushed inside, preoccupied. Lela dropped to her knees and grabbed her arm but she shrieked in pain.

"Your Grace, you're burning up."

"Breath." Araxys landed on his lava lair and was moving toward her. "You're going to hurt them if you don't stop. They will rather get scorched than leave you alone."

And he was right. They didn't even back one step when the giant head of her dragon peeked in her vision. He nudged her head and she clung to it as he put her back on her feet.

"Breath hatchling. The power is inside of you, wield it."

The first breath was hard. It felt as if thousands swords pierced her throat but she managed to get through it.

"It's a sphere. You can contain it."

"I don't want to contain it. I wish to use it."

Her eyes met the dragons. He was very crossed with her words.

"I can't teach you how to use your power to hurt them."

"You can't teach, you don't want me to ride you. So, I am right, you simply saved my life as a payback for me saving yours."

"I chose you because of who you are."

"A prisoner in this fucking castle that will be forced to marry that asshole and push out his children if you don't help me."

"It's too soon. You need to understand-"

"I'm getting tired of being treated like a fucking baby."

Raven moved away from her dragon and with a long calming breath, she returned to her normal temperature.

"Are you well milady?"

She smiled to Ami, nodding. "I just need to rest a little. It's been one hell of a morning already."

"The king has arranged a lunch..."

"Tell them I'm indisposed and I will not be leaving this room today nor ever."

"Careful what you make your maids say. He could take his anger out on them."

Her hands were tied. But surely after the scene she pulled today not eve them wanted to see her so maybe she could have a spare moment of peace.

"Actually, just for today." She retorted and fell on her bed, exhausted.

"As you wish, milady."

The day after, Raven was being dress when Lela brought the grown the queen requested for the tea.

A beautiful teal dress that Lela had spent the whole night prior, modifying for her princess with pants inside the skirts.

"I thought you would wear it more gladly and no one would suspect a thing."

Raven's smile was wide and real. She had spent her free time trying to fix something she could die for if she got caught. It meant so much to Raven.

"Thank you, Lela."

"It's nothing." She waved her hand and with Ami's help, they pulled it over her body secure it. it fit perfectly. Lela was right, no one would suspect it. the skirts were heavy, forever sealing their secret.

They were obliged to straightened her hair. None of her curls survived the heavy machinery Ami was using, steaming anything that could rebel. There were no survivors.

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now