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Raven begun to breathe a little bit more.

"Dear Myra, what happened? Is this your blood" she shook her head as she soaked his plain shirt with more tears and blood. She was sobbing against his shoulder, holding to him as if her life depended on it.

"Whose is it?"

Raven couldn't master her words. She kept shaking and the second he noticed she was literally crying blood, he cursed under his breath and fished a tissue on his pocket to clean her up.

It was almost impossible, there was so much blood and pieces of human skin that the king directly immerge raven into the water.

"I killed."

"Good." He retorted as her head fell under his chin.

"I killed him." more tears roll down her cheeks staining her of thick velvet. "He violated."

"Who? You?" Raven sobbed harder. He blocked her by the elbows and made it so she would look into his very concerned eyes. "Ravenna, did someone touch you?"

"Ami." The flash on the king's face felt like Raven was looking in a mirror as he let out a short sight of relief but his glare made Raven's heart pound.

"Your maid? One of your maids is dead?"

Raven nodded and more sobs followed.

"It's my fault. All my fault. Everything I touch, gets sick and dies. It's me."

He hushed her and placed his hand behind her head. "No, it's not. I'll fucking kill whoever reduced you like this. Do you hear me?"

He lifted her chin so she could look at her and repeated himself. "I will fucking kill them. I just need a name and you can consider them unalive. Any name and they are done."

Raven pursed her lips together and he cupped her face catching any last tears.

"Please stop crying." He begged out of breath as if he was in physical pain to just watch her.

"They set her up so he could do what he wanted with her. They knew about him and let him live anyway. He took her into a room, chained her to a table and when I walked in, there was blood, everywhere. And where was I? I was chatting with them, attempting to fit in while she got killed. It's my fault. She died because of me."

Raven couldn't stop, she told him every detail, she needed to say it or she would feel sick in her stomach. She told him about what she did to that monster and how it didn't make her feel better.

"I'm disgusted by all of this. How can they allow such a monster to live in their castle is beyond me. It's not your fault, Raven."

"I let her come to the dinner. It was me. I should have known. She attempted to tell me, I felt there was something off but I was too busy chatting like I was one of them and I let him kill her. He killed my friend"

She clung to him, embracing him tighter when he massaged the small of her back, his chin on her shoulder as he attempted to calm her down.

"It hurts, it hurts so much."

"I know."

"I want them dead. I want them all dead."

"We will kill them all, little lynx." He placed her so she wasn't too far as he caressed her cheeks, tears didn't stop coming anyway. "I promise, on my heart." He placed her hand over his chest. "I vow to avenge your friend like she was my very own. For no one has the right to strip someone of their dignity even in death."

She wished she could show him what she was seeing to explain why she couldn't let go. Every time she blinked. She saw her body.

Her blood.

Tears of RavenWhere stories live. Discover now