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Raven would never be able to erase the sound of the Baron's feet on Ami's blood while his hips moved back and forth under the girl's skirt. Ami's eyes were blank, she laid with her head on a table, her wrists blocked by heavy handcuffs to the wood where her cheek was getting scorched as he moved her back and forth.

Raven's palm opened and she manifested a long whip made entirely of fire. She looked tremendously calm on the outside but when the man eventually turned caught off guard by the explosion, his whole countenance whitened to the point he almost looked like Ami's body.

"Step away from her." but the voice was not Raven's. it was something primordial maybe it was Araxys maybe it was Raven's anger. It sounded absolutely deadly and the man was smart enough to comply.

Ami sagged. Raven's placed a hand over her heart, preventing it from breaking into million pieces. This was not the time.

She walked slowly toward the fat man and she passed the flaming whip around his neck dragging him to the floor.

Raven lost contact with reality.

For a long time, she felt outside her own body. She watched as someone else did unspeakable things to that man. And yet nothing that girl in the red dress could do would be as bad at what he did to her maid. No, not her maid. Ami was her friend and he had violated her, used her until blood had run from her womb, pleased himself to the point he didn't even notice the dragon at the door.

Raven remembered the 144 scars on her maid and whipped him with all the strength she had until his screams could be heard in the entire castle. The she reached to his belt, he was begging to be forgiven, to be spared. Raven's ears were deaf to his claims. She welded the knife and carved 144 lines, he had so much space why stop? she continued to pull and break until her anger would be satisfied but it seems nothing was enough.

And so she stabbed him. 144 stabbed to the neck until his head came off and she still kept going. The prince had to come and take her off of him and even with his shadows, he had to call for help. Raven's eyes were red with fury. She was screaming to the lifeless monster. Her body enflamed and she caught fire. Her whole dress begun to burn as she walked closer to Ami's body. She melted the chains and her petite figure rolled to the ground. Raven felt her eyes sting with hot tears.

She would never forget herself.

She should have kept her safe.

She failed miserably.

She collapsed on her friend, not scorching her as Araxys stood as a guard between them and everybody else.

"Take her." Rave was attempting to think. "Please take both of them away from here."

Araxys nodded and Raven let him pick up Amy's body everybody parted so Araxys could fly out of the room. As soon as he was out, Raven growled like a wounded lion.

And as Raven's anger simmered, she recalled the way the queen ad moved her eyes so quick she thought she had imagined it. she had asked for her maids for a reason. So this pig could have his plaything.


"Raven." The prince was warning her but she was looking at someone far back in the crowd.

"You told him, didn't you. You told him he could have her." Raven screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You killed my friend."

"Now, Raven. It's a little too farfetched don't you think." And then she smiled, that smile that meant I'm playing with you because you're stupid and you no nothing. The one she reserved to servitude. To people lower than she was.

Raven burst in a sphere of flame and everybody run for it.

She had her whip in her hand, ready to strike.

"She was my friend. I freed them, you had no right to sell her out."

"She was a slave like you if that dragon would have picked anybody else. We do not care for slaves." Raven looked around, to the people hidden behind the staircases as she stepped out of the small room. The queen took a step back but remained stoically at the center of the room.

"I do. I care for them."

Araxys had told her it was okay, and she had grown so fond of her two maids now she felt as if someone had ripped a part of her out.

"You killed my friend."

"I didn't do no such a thing. It's customary..."

Raven clicked her whip until it got closer to the queen but the prince stepped up to intersect it.


Flames pooled around her feet flashing fast. She knew she couldn't let go of her anger. And the queen knew too. She was many things but she was not a murder. She would not terminate innocent people.

The prince would never let her close to his mother so Raven smiled like the king had taught her, she felt her cheeks so sticky and warm, she didn't know she was crying but she didn't care.

"I will destroy you and everyone you ever cared for. I'll be queen of this place and you'll endure every single mean thing you delivered during your tyranny. Mark my words, you are a dead queen."

Raven collected her flames and headed to the castle wall. She used some of her rage to open a hole that led out.

"Raven wait!"

"Get the fuck out of my sight." The roar that came out of Raven was certainly not human and made the prince cringe.

"The last thing I want to see is your cursed family and you." her flames lunched toward him in the shape of loading horses and he jumped back, parrying it with his shadows.

But he wasn't strong enough, his sleeve caught fire.

Raven kept walking until her legs hurt, but not like her chest. She was gasping for hair and so she stood on all four looking as the snow turned red and she realized she was crying blood. She couldn't stop.

She couldn't breathe either.

She had betrayed her friend.

Ami, always so sincere. Ami whose name had been about a story of kindness and tenderness, killed by pure human violence. Abused even long after her heart stopped beating. She couldn't conceive something so abominable.

Her whole brain couldn't register what she had seen.

"Please." She muttered to herself as she shook hard. "Please."

And somehow, someone was listening because the ground shifted and this time, she teleported in the middle of the plain.

The only she could say was the king's name. it sounded like a litany. Desperate beyond imagination and terribly heart wrenching. She called for the only person that had been kind to her.

The only one that knew would understand.

She begun to crawl, the snow up to her elbows as she slighted into the pond and begun to wash the blood from her hands.

"Please." She begged as more tears got lost in the crystal blue water. "Help me." But it almost came out as no sound as what remained of the dress made her heavy.

This kind of pain, was something Raven had never experience. The more she washed the blood on her hands, the more there was.

She couldn't get it off.

"Please." She screamed crushing her fists into the pond.

There was a crunching of leaves and breaking branches when the king appeared out of the woods.

He had been running, his breath was short and, in the hurry, he had no jacket on. His hair in a ponytail.

When his clear eyes spotted Raven's bloodied figure he turned the same shade as snow and didn't bother to undress as he dashed into the pond.

She knew he had told her he wasn't the kind of man that was into hugs, but the moment Raven was at Arm reach, he scoped her up into his embrace and held her above the water.


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