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When they landed, Raven couldn't stop smiling when she glared at Lady Jane. She had the biggest smirk over her lips. it was so genuine that even Araxys had stopped complaining at a certain point. Raven walked into the village, as if we had been many times before when in reality she had only visited once with the prince.

Lady Jane had her arm under Raven's and they were strolling under very concerned glares. Araxys had taken a leave but she could see him hover around the village once or twice. It was a warning to everyone.

"They can't hurt me."

"I know."

"I'll be fine. Go get a bite. You have not left my side since the prince had his hands on me."

"That should have never happened. I have slipped."

"You didn't. I let him come too close. It was my own fault-"

"No one harms my hatchling and lives to tell the tale. He better behave." Raven's mind was running to a specific place but she stopped before Araxys saw what she was thinking about.

"That's different. Seraphyx vouched for his safety. It's the only reason he's still alive."

The picture of Zed laid over the small dragon made Raven's sore to the core. She wanted more than anything to see him. to give him time to explain. But she felt as if she had to give up something else to have him in her life and she simply wasn't ready for it.

"You don't know anything about the book his mother was researching, do you?" Raven asked and the dragon hummed but never answered.

Before she could insist, Lady Jane cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry your grace, I didn't mean to interrupt your discussion, but there's a lady down the road that is almost breaking her neck trying to catch your attention."

Raven recognized her immediately and she fastened her steps.

"She makes the best pastries in the whole world." Not that Raven knew, but they were so good she would have vouched anyway.

Talula invited the two women inside; she was on the verge of sending everybody out to give the princess some privacy but Raven stopped her.

"I have no trouble sharing space with my people." Rave felt how the word stopped on her tongue and almost didn't want to come out but she said it anyway. It was time she got used to this. "Please do not go on my account."

A fellow helped Raven take a seat in the table next to the window and he offered her a bow before returning to the other side of the room. Talula asked two young boys to carry a large silver platter that was laid o the table in between the two astonished woman. It was loaded with pastries of every kind and hot flowery tea.

Talula poured two cups and left them to talk as she gave to one of the boys a small pat on the back.

"They're my grandchildren." She explained as if it had to be a good enough explanation for Raven. The village looked a little less populated after Zed had taken many of the slaves. Those were the one left.

Raven started at each of them with growing responsibility. She had to care for all of them. How?

She had never taken good enough care of herself.

"So, your grace, the wedding is in less than a month." Lady Jane whispered sipping down her tea.

"It appears to."

"Have you already chosen a dress? Because I could send word for my tailor and he would come in no time."

"No, it's fine." She didn't want another present to be tore apart. "I'd rather have them pay for the dress."

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