Chapter 27

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Author's POV

Taehyung tightened his arms tightly around Jungkook as he listened to the words his cub had learnt by heart, with his burning heart.

He didn't interrupt him, he just let him say it all. To just get it all off his chest.

They were lying on the bed in their room now, with Jungkook over his body, head over his chest.

He couldn't even imagine how long Jungkook must have kept all of this in.

All the pain, all the fear.

He always knew there was something more to what he knew, and finally, Jungkook opened up the deepest locks over his heart.

And he was the one given the key.

And he was gonna take care of it. Right now, no one could seperate him from his cub, even if they used force.

All his mind chanted in that moment was for him to just stick to his prince and hold him in his arms forever. Away from all heart break, away from every fucking person who ever even thought about hurting his prince.

He himself had lived a life without any parents and it was a life lived with great difficulty, there was not a day in his orphanage that he didn't think about the point of living.

It was pretty similar to his situation, living a life in loneliness, wishing for a parent, for anyone to just hold them through it and tell them it's gonna be okay.

None of them had that. So they could only tell it to themselves, trying to survive.

But all of that he went through?

None of that could compare to the pain he felt on seeing his own cub in pain. He knew it, he knew how it felt. And it physically hurt him to accept the fact that his own cub had to go through it too.

It was way easier to feel it himself than to see his lover feel it too. His pain meant nothing in front of this.

"I had forgotten about it. All of it. But then it just came back rushing. And it hurt so much Tae." Jungkook's voice broke and he looked up at Taehyung and then hugged him again trying to get warmth as he felt himself close to crying.

Taehyung was overwhelmed by the fact that Jungkook still hadn't shed a single tear. He was always like that only. He had never seen him cry.

He squeezed his eyes when he felt Jungkook's body shaking again with the anger and discomfort he felt. He kept rubbing Jungkook's back in worry. He didn't just hate seeing him like that, he despised it.

Jungkook never feels like he should cry. Like crying is something he is incapable of doing as if his body doesn't know how to cry when he's sad. So his body starts hyperventilating whenever he tries not to cry.

And it fucks Taehyung up, it eats him up, like a slow death, he can't handle it. He couldn't see it, his lover collapsing as soon as they had entered the room.

He was quick to carry Jungkook to the bed and he didn't even have to ask him to spill, the words just laid out automatically, like the time limit of them being inside Jungkook's heart was over. Like he was unable to carry their weight more. It became too heavy, he could feel it.

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