Chapter 18

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"Prince!" Namjoon said as he tried to move closer to Jin who despite the pain in his side kept scrambling away by his hands.

"Prince please stop moving!" Namjoon said seeing the way Jin was wincing. He was getting scared now by the way Jin was looking at him.

Eyes wide open, chin trembling and tears filled in those shining eyes, however, it was the look on his face that scared Namjoon. Jin was looking at him as if he was scared of him.

Every single time he had looked at him before, he would always look at him with expectation, as if looking at his saviour.

But right now it was no better than looking at a criminal. And Namjoon would do anything to just remove that look from Jin's face.

Jin was so horrified that using the wall as support he tried to pull himself into a standing position which obviously hurt and finally the pain registered in his brain. He yelled.

Holding onto his side he started feeling dizzy, and his breathing quickened, he would have fallen back to the ground if it weren't for the strong arms wrapping around him and picking him up.

He knew who it was, but because of how much it hurt he couldn't even push Namjoon away,
"You're okay, you'll be okay prince."

Namjoon kept repeating the same thing over and over again as he carried Jin back to the room, he carefully put the whimpering prince on the bed and ran outside.

"Get Doctor Hoseok, NOW!" He yelled and two guards immediately rushed towards the infirmary.

Hoseok came not long after and looked at the wound but it wasn't anything serious, just moving too much caused the muscles to pull around it so he gave Jin a painkiller injection and then soon left.

Namjoon again went back into the room after escorting Hoseok out, and he walked into the restroom, he got a bowl filled with hot water and a towel and again went back to Jin's side.

He started by putting the warm wet towel over his forehead and then rubbing it over his arms since Jin's skin was cold.

Suddenly Jin's eyes opened, and turned to him and just as they did, they widened and he pulled his hand away,
"STAY AWAY!" Jin yelled at Namjoon trying to scoot as far away from him as possible.

Namjoon's face showed exactly how much hurt he felt on hearing that,
"I know what you are thinking prince, but please give me a chance to explain." He said softly but Jin shook his head.

"No, you-you-you...." Jin was so horrified he couldn't even say it as his eyes moved around the room unable to look back at Namjoon.

Namjoon's jaw clenched and he held onto Jin's shoulders tightly and forced him to look at him,
"Listen to me and listen to me very carefully, I was talking to my brother, and he doesn't like the king at all, they have a past. He tends to get violent sometimes too but that's because he's just a kid. So I have to make sure that he stays in line. He didn't do anything, it was me who suspected it. So I decided to ask and just as I figured he had no clue about it. I am not lying to you prince but this is all I can tell you, he had nothing to do with it and I believe him. Now it's up to you if you want to believe me or not." He said and pulled back to stand straight.

"I'll be right outside the door prince," Namjoon said and turned around and started walking towards the door.

"Who's your brother?"

Namjoon's steps stopped and he stood still as he processed the question the prince asked him.

Finally, he sighed looking down and said,
"Am sorry prince." And then walked out of the room.

His ShadowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora