Chapter 22

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Yoongi walked inside the house, stopping right in his steps when he felt the dark atmosphere of his house.

All the lights had been switched off, he slowly walked to the switchboard and turned the lights on, only to find his husband lying on the couch just staring at the ceiling. Something odd about it.

He walked closer and gently kneeled beside the couch,
"Baby?" He whispered softly not to startle his husband who looked not too good.

Jimin didn't even turn to look at him and surprised Yoongi as he just kept staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.

Yoongi gently kissed his cheek and held his hand tightly patiently just waiting for his husband to tell him,
"Am right here baby." He informed his husband softly.

Jimin finally spoke up after hearing that,
"I don't know what to do anymore." Yoongi didn't ask anything but just stood up and pulled his husband in his arms on the couch giving him the warmth he needed.

"Is it something you need to do?" Yoongi asked slowly carding his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"No, not me but, it's wrong what he's doing," Jimin whispered back conflicted, he knew he couldn't tell Yoongi what was wrong but at the same time all he wanted to do was tell him.

Yoongi somehow knew that the only person capable of making Jimin so stressed was Prince Jin so he didn't ask about that, he simply said,
"If he doesn't think it's wrong then let him be, baby, he's an adult, isn't he? If he thinks it's the right thing then let him see to it himself."

Jimin sighed and nodded too tired to think about it anymore. He felt like he was somehow betraying his husband, his king by hiding such important information from his kingdom.

But at the same time, he's a friend, maybe that's why he was conflicted.

"Just let it go for some time okay?" Yoongi asked him kissing the top of his head and closing his eyes, pressing his cheek over his hair.

He doesn't like to see his husband so worried ever. Jimin is someone who tends to be carefree and joyful. So it breaks his heart whenever he sees his husband like that.

He would do anything in order to make him feel better.

Jimin too closed his eyes and just let himself rest for a little bit.

He can always think about it later, right?

Taehyung felt like his soul had just left his body at that moment as he tried so hard to press on those breaks that had stopped working.

His jaw clenched in anger as he realised that this was in fact an attempt to harm his prince. Since the person behind it must have known the prince was out for the day.

He groaned as he tried to think, but no matter how much he thought, there was no fucking way anyone could have known, unless...

His eyes widened as the realisation hit him.

They had a traitor.

Someone from the palace.

Since only certain people in the palace knew that the crown prince was going out.

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