Chapter 25

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He kept staring at him.

At his son, who showed no signs of feeling his gaze or even returning it.

But Jungkook just kept looking at his best friend who was right now lying on his bed getting checked by Hoseok.

They were in Daniel's room right now. The King, Yoongi, Jimin along with Jin and Namjoon were there as well as Jungkook and Taehyung.

Taehyung and Jungkook had hurriedly changed their bloody clothes and went back to Daniel's room.

Taehyung noticed it all, how the king kept stealing glances at his son and how Jungkook acted like he didn't care about anything but his best friend.

Hoseak stood up, turned towards them,
"He's fine now, he's just sleeping, it was a GHB, a drug commonly used for such situations. It contains amounts of alcohol and medication and tends to make the person feel dizzy or semi-conscious. Since not a large amount of it was used, he's fine and will wake up after around 8-10 hours. He might feel like puking or dizzy afterwards but that's normal and is just a way for the body to get rid of the drug. I'll prescribe a medicine, please give it to him as soon as he wakes up." The doctor said and everyone listened patiently without a word.

Everyone was heartbroken at what had happened. Even though Daniel wasn't nobility, he was a huge part of their lives, like the light. Therefore it was so hard for everyone to accept the fact that someone could do something so bad with their mate.

"If you do feel that there might be some signs of underlying trauma that sometimes comes along, I would suggest some psychological help. It would be better to be safe than sorry." Hoseok said and nodded towards the king while keeping his head bowed in respect.

"You may leave now. I will call for you when he wakes up or has any problem." The king said and Hoseok bowed once again before leaving the room.

"I'll come with you," Jin said and left with Hoseok completely ignoring Namjoon who started following him.

Yoongi frowned when he noticed the sudden anger on Namjoon's face as he stared at Jin talking to Hoseok while they left the room.

"I must be mistaken," Yoongi whispered shaking his head and turned to look at Daniel who was sleeping peacefully on his bed without a care.

"Your majesty, we too shall leave, you need to rest, we have to call the court tomorrow." Mark, the king's knight as well as assistant said.

The king frowned and again glanced at his son,

"You should go and rest Your Majesty," Jungkook said cutting off his father without turning to look at him.

The King bit his lips and sighed before he looked at Taehyung who nodded,
"I'll take care of everything, you need not worry, father," Taehyung said softly providing the king relief.

With one final look at his son, the king left from there with his knight right after him. Yoongi and Jimin too left soon after.

Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and pulled him towards the couch in the room.

He went back and looked around the dressing for something and then came back with what he was looking for.

Jungkook was still just staring at Daniel when he felt hands slowly easing in his hair. He closed his eyes when the scent of fragrant oil reached his nose.

Taehyung slowly started massaging his head, he didn't know what had happened between Jungkook and Ji-ho before he went there.

All he knew was that he saw Jungkook scratching and pressing his head as if in pain, he figured his prince was hurt.

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