Chapter 10

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"Daniel, I pass the responsibility of the guests to you. Take care of their needs, and make sure they don't find any problems during their stay in the palace. Now please help them to their rooms and get them settled." The king ordered to Daniel who nodded and bowed to the king.

He then motioned towards the entrance of the hall room, and the family walked towards it with Daniel behind them.

Finally, when the family was out of the room, Jungkook took a deep breath and without caring about anything walked to Taehyung and then wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and started sniffing him.

It was only the king, the king's guard, Mark, Taehyung and just Jungkook who was busy nuzzling into his guard's neck.

Taehyung with the blank face still on, blushed furiously but couldn't do anything to stop his prince, the king coughed,
"Son, am still here."

Taehyung was stiff as a rock as he avoided looking into the king's eyes and tried his best not to rub Jungkook's back.

Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung and looked around the entire room and then at his father,
"Wow, I didn't see." And then went back to hugging his boyfriend.

The king chuckled in disbelief at his son and Mark was stunned to see that, he was a new guard who had joined only a few days before since the king's previous guard passed away due to personal reasons, he was surprised that the king wasn't mad at his son at all hearing that.

Taehyung almost facepalmed and held Jungkook's wrist to finally pull him away and then bowed to the king,
"I apologise, your majesty." He said and Jungkook glared at him with a pout.

Mark watched with curious eyes as the king just waved at him,
"No need, he's my son after all. And am a whipped king for my son. I'll just leave." The king said and while chuckling he walked out of the hall with Mark following him.

When it was just Jungkook and Taehyung, Jungkook pinched the area over Taehyung's neck and pouted at him,
"I was just hugging you!" He said sulking and crossing his arms over his chest.

Taehyung softly patted his head and leaned down to come face-to-face with his prince,
"But you should respect your father too right, my prince?"

"But he didn't mind!" Jungkook said pouting which didn't stay a pout longer because Taehyung pressed his lips on the cute pout and kissed Jungkook like he was a drug.

Jungkook squeaked but he too eased into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck kissing him back and sucking on his tongue as it was thrust into his mouth.

The sound of the door opening was what made Taehyung pull back and stand straight to his full height, almost a head above Jungkook.

"Oh don't mind me, you guys." Came a soft voice of none other than Mrs. Kang Chija who was a worker in the house.

She had been the worker for a long time along with Jungkook's nanny when he was a kid. Jungkook wasn't that close to her but he used to let her in his room to take care of him when he allowed no one, in the early years.

She was the only person he allowed when he used to be on edge or on the verge of a breakdown due to his impulsivity.

But that too stopped after he was at the age of around 10 and he started pushing everyone away. He had a lot of respect for her but couldn't put it in himself to ask for her help after that.

Even after that, the lady would always make sure of his meals and his comfort as much as she could.

But that all changed after Taehyung entered his life, and he was slowly becoming more open.

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