Chapter 1

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Jungkook's age: 18
Taehyung's age: 20

Taehyung walked out of his room all dressed for the day and looked around the corridor of the palace but it was still early for everyone else hence there was no one in sight.

This corridor was specially kept empty because it was the one where the prince and his knight's rooms were.

And since the prince didn't like too many guards around his room, the king had made sure at least Taehyung's room was right in front of his room for protection purposes.

It had been a few days since he had started living in the palace as per the prince's request of course. And it has been a year since he had started working for the palace as the royal guard of the prince.

He went through a year of training and finished school after which he was finally assigned as the guard.

He and Jungkook had gotten pretty close ever since that happened. In this last year, he used to stay with Jungkook almost all the time.

He had no idea why, but not once was he against the idea of being a guard. It was like destiny played its cards and he feels like he is right where he was supposed to be. It just felt so right that he had accepted it as soon as the words had left Jungkook's mouth,

"I choose him."

"I choose him too." He had told the king right after not really thinking but just doing what he wanted to do.

And if someone asked him now whether he would want to change anything, he would have simply replied with a strong No, because there is nothing he would ever change about this whole situation, especially not the prince.

Because just as the prince wanted him, he wanted the prince too, no questions asked.

He had even started to notice things about the prince that the guards of the palace and even the king didn't know.

He walked in front of a room and knocked. He sighed when he got no response.

He knocked again and then called out,
"I'm coming in." He announced and just like every time he heard quick rustling inside the room.

He barged inside and wasn't even surprised to see the prince standing right in front of the bed in just his boxers, breathing heavily as if caught in an act.

He looked down as he tried not to get too affected but as usual, his cheeks flushed seeing the naked torso of the prince. It was a weird habit of the prince to only sleep in his boxers and nothing else.

And even when he knew someone could see him like that, Jungkook did not once change this habit, not like Taehyung minded of course.

It's just so beautiful how the sunlight dances over the pale skin and then shines the brightest, the skin that's glistening right in front of him with the sunlight must be so soft to touch.

Wait, what?

He quickly throws that thought away and focuses on the almost panicked expression of his prince.

It was the norm for Taehyung to come to wake up the prince every day since everyone else as he quotes, was 'scared' to do so. Because well Jungkook isn't the calmest person he had come across.

But what surprises everyone, even more, is the fact that not once has Jungkook tried to do the same with Taehyung whenever he used to wake him up in the past few days he had started living in the palace.

"You were working out again, I suppose?" Taehyung asked Jungkook in his deep voice, repeating the excuse the prince gives every time he is found like this, but the said person got slightly startled and looked up with wide eyes with tinted cheeks.

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