Chapter 13

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Taehyung felt it instantly, the way Jungkook's muscles tensed and his breathing quickened just as the presence of the guests overwhelmed him, as they turned to look at their future king enter the hall.

The silence sends shivers down Jungkook's back and he tries to push himself more to Taehyung's side as if he could just walk inside him and hide from all these eyes watching him and his every move.

But Taehyung would rather die, and give up his life willingly than let these people see any weak side of his prince.

So he plays his part, just like Jungkook wants, he's the boyfriend today, not just the knight.

He lets his fingers loosen around Jungkook's fingers who makes a very low sound of discomfort at the move, but not giving him time to ponder, he wraps that arm around his waist, slamming him to his side.

And the result is almost immediate as Jungkook sniffs his comfort and sucks all of it in to pull himself together.

Taehyung looks down just as Jungkook looks up at him and a tiny smirk comes over the prince's face at that.

And just like that the prince's shoulders relax and straighten as he faces the front, not sparing a glance at anyone around him and walks straight towards his father.

The only one that matters today.

Taehyung kept his gaze focused only on his prince but his attention was everywhere looking around for any signs of danger.

They approach the king and Jungkook smiles slightly at his father who stands up from his throne.

"Happy Birthday Father," Jungkook says softly looking up through his long eyelashes giving off the innocent look that always makes the king feel heavy in his chest at what he was going to do to his son in the future.

The king would give his son everything, there's only one thing however he can't accept, he needs his son to be his successor, no matter what.

The urge to hug his son blooms in the king but he knows better, he knows that his son doesn't like physical contact, so he stays patting his son's head.

"Have a seat son." The king says motioning towards the throne right beside his throne, a smaller one meant for the crown prince. Jin was already seated on his own throne on the other side of the king, showing how the king didn't differentiate between the two at all.

Jungkook looked at the throne that was raised up like all the thrones at a platform to show superiority. He frowned looking back at all the people who were at a lower level from them, even Taehyung had stopped below the steps.

He looked back at his father who was still waiting for him to settle, but the smile on the king's face dropped when Jungkook shook his head and turned around to walk back down the steps.

He joined Taehyung back holding his arm and again turned to look up at his father,
"I like this place better." He said looking straight at his father, his words heavier than ever as if trying to prove a point. A point the king could do nothing but ignore.

The king shook his head and sat down back with a tired expression, disappointed yet again in himself that he couldn't even satisfy his son for one day.

Then the gifts came, and everyone approached the king one by one to provide their gifts.

Lee Ji-ho and his family came up next, while Ji-ho climbed the stairs up to hug his friend, his family stood below the steps too.

Megan was wearing a beautiful blue gown, her brown hair laid in curls over her back, and she had the perfect amount of makeup over her face. She looked stunning in her dress.

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