Chapter 19

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"Here's your food child." Mrs. Kang said as she kept the plate of food in front of a hungry Daniel.

Daniel smiled in wonder seeing the delicious food and said,
"Thank you for the food, Mrs. Kang."

He took a bite and moaned in delight at the softness of the meat,
"Woah, I swear to god, you make the best food in the entire world."

Mrs. Kang chuckled and ruffled his hair,
"Liar, you always say that child."

Daniel shook his head held Mrs. Kang's hands and said,
"It's true, here try it yourself." With that, he proceeded to get her to taste her own food.

They both were in this comfortable bubble when suddenly the door to the living room slammed open.

Daniel flinched and snapped his head towards the door only to find a seething Jungkook walking out from the door and towards the other end of the hall, towards his father's office.

He could read his best friend so easily that one look at Jungkook's face and he knew for a fact that Jungkook was a ticking bomb right now so he decided it wasn't a great idea to ask the prince what was wrong.

His eyes were blazing and his jaw was clenched so hard, he bit his bottom lip in fear. His every step made Daniel flinch. He wondered what made the prince so mad that he didn't even acknowledge him.

But a gasp from Mrs Kang made him follow her line of sight only to get shocked himself when he saw the prince's hand.

That still held a piece of glass in it and as the prince walked towards the other end of the hall, drops of blood dripped down his hand and only to the marble floor.

He stood up with a jerk and ran behind his friend in worry forgetting all about his fear. Jungkook didn't even acknowledge his presence and kept walking towards his destination.

He was walking so fast in anger that Daniel couldn't do anything but just follow behind him, waiting for him to calm down. He just felt like he should just be with his friend right now.

Daniel could see how every single guard on their way took a few steps back seeing Jungkook as if knowing well enough it wasn't a good idea to approach him now.

He had heard stories about when he had first started living there, from the guards who were always wary of Jungkook.

They told him stories about Jungkook's weird behaviour when he would suddenly have angry moments, they told him he would thrash his entire room some days, while on other days, he would just walk out of his room, thrash some vases and then go back again.

He also heard that this only happened in the early years, after that the prince just got...silent. Like completely, he won't talk to anyone or even look at anyone.

It was scary to hear but at the same time, the Jungkook he knew wasn't like that. The Jungkook he knew was simply his best friend, who pulled him out from the deepness of the ocean of his mind. So he didn't care about anything.

Besides he also knew Taehyung was the holding point of Jungkook. So he had made a decision, that instead of standing along with those guards who remained wary of the prince.

He stood beside Taehyung, he stood beside the prince who saved his life by risking his own.

He always knew things related to the word, 'mother' were somehow triggering to Jungkook, so he helped Taehyung in making sure to not let Jungkook come across such things.

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