Chapter 23

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"Hey, sweetheart!"

Daniel flinched as he looked ahead at the women standing in front of him, dressed extravagantly yet again.

He looked back inside his room,
'Was it too late to go back and sleep some more?' He thought looking back at the woman who was smiling sweetly at him, too sweetly.

He sighed not ready for her this early in the morning. He took a step back and bowed at her,
"Good morning Mrs. Lee." He said politely still not forgetting his manners.

The lady frowned not liking the formality he showed her. She put a hand over his arm and he went stiff,
"I was thinking, how about some breakfast together?" She said and his eyes widened as he looked behind her.

A rolling tray filled with different types of food was right there, he gulped as he felt his stomach about to grumble seeing it.

But the second he looked up at her face, all his appetite went down the drain. It felt so wrong, the expression on her face.

It was disgusting.

She looked at him as if she wanted to eat him.

He walked from around her and looked down,
"Am sorry Mrs. Lee but I won't be able to have breakfast with you, am late for training. I believe you know Commander Yoongi isn't a forgiving person. Now if you'll excuse me." He said turning around to escape but stopped when her next words held him.

"I don't."

He slowly turned around to look at her and he gulped again seeing the darkened features that were slowly overtaking her face,
"Am sorry?"

"I said I don't. You're not excused, sweetheart." She said and Daniel's fists clenched in anger.

Just what does this woman want from him?

"But I could excuse you.." She said walking closer to him.

She stood up on her tippy toes and leaned forward to his ear,
"Dinner. Since you can't have breakfast, have dinner with me once, and then I won't bother you again." She said and stood back straight lowering herself to her height.

Daniel's fists were shaking at the audacity, if only the woman would just get the hint.

His jaw clenched, not knowing what to do anymore.

He was nothing but a guard, yes the crown prince was his best friend, but how could that even change the fact that he still was just a guard.

He had no authority to go against someone who was close to the king. Yes, he knew Lee Ji Ho was an undeserving asshole, but the king hadn't done anything about it yet considering his whole memory loss sham.

"Am waiting, sweetheart. And I don't like waiting." She said making him look back at her, she was still giving him that sick smile that made him almost puke.

He closed his eyes as an idea surfaced through him, what if she knows?

She must have known that her husband was faking it, maybe, just maybe if he could get close to her, would she spit the truth, would she spill some of the beans?

He opened his eyes as he looked at her one last time before turning around,
"Fine." He said over his shoulder as he walked away from the woman.

The woman who would provide him with the information he needs to throw all of them out of this castle.

"Come on Tae, you'll make us late!"

"Hurry up!"

Taehyung watched with an amused smile on his face as his prince walked around the room in just his bathrobe rubbing moisturiser all over his body, at the same time gathering the clothes he wanted to wear for the day.

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