Chapter 8

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Jungkook flipped through his book and tilted his head when he had a thought,
"What does it mean to incentivize?" He said looking down.

"It means to provide an incentive, like a motivation for using a product or service." Taehyung replied back as he continued doing his push-up while Jungkook sat on his back criss-crossed reading his book without a care in the world.

"What about Monetize?" Jungkook asked again when his eyes got stuck on another word.

"It means to earn money from a product, asset or a business." Taehyung replied calmly as a bead of sweat rolled down his temple and onto his nose before it dropped on the gym floor from how long he had been working out. Even after that, he wasn't tired at all.

They both were in the gym where they usually go to work out, or more like Taehyung goes to work out all the while Jungkook watches him.

And sometimes he studies too or tries to, like today. He knows for a fact that he is supposed to be the king one day but how that was out of his understanding.

He absolutely hates business and politics, he doesn't know shit about it, and he is more of an art person.

Even his college degree that he did online was an art degree, he loves to paint and cook, his father didn't object at all when he suggested it and learned it but still told him he would be the king no matter what because of him being the only blood.

Jungkook had even asked Jin about it so many times but Jin is someone who likes to study medicine more and doesn't want to be the king either, so Jungkook gave up.

He sometimes wonders if he had a real brother, he could have taken the place for him and he would actually give it to them without a question.

Someone who studied business, unlike him and more like Taehyung who too studied business and passed with flying colours.

"Ugh! I can't do this. My head is spinning." Jungkook whined throwing the book away and lying down on Taehyung's back, connecting their backs together.

Taehyung just chuckled at his adorable prince but didn't say anything else as he continued doing his god knows how many push-ups.

"Your head is spinning, hyung? Seriously? All you're doing is sitting there. Look at him, he's the one sweating rivers! What did you even do?" A voice Taehyung rather felt irritated hearing, called out.

Jungkook sat up and then stood up from over Taehyung and looked at Daniel with a pout,
"What do you mean? I was studying okay!" Jungkook exclaimed with a stomp of his feet.

"Yea right, but why in the gym though, hyung?" Daniel asked trying to ignore the male who had stood up and was now standing behind Jungkook in a black tank top and sweatpants, eyes focused on him.

"Why can't I study in the gym? Tae had to work out so I came along. Also, I work out sometimes too!" Jungkook said obviously lying but trying to protect his dignity.

Taehyung just stood there with a blank face but internally he was grinning at his adorable prince.

"Come on hyung, no need to lie, I bet you can't even lift a 5 kg dumbbell." Daniel said walking towards the pull-up bar and he started doing pull-ups.

Taehyung was about to walk up to teach the man a lesson when Jungkook held his wrist to stop him and looked at him. It's okay, they are friends, they can tease each other sometimes and Taehyung understood that, that's why he stepped back.

Daniel smiled seeing that. It's so endearing to him how they both understand each other without a word.

However Jungkook's eyes stayed hardened in offence at that as he turned to look around for something, when he found what he was looking for, he started walking towards it, but a hand on his wrist stopped him.

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