The Tragedy

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I sat in my seat watching Mando and the child as we approached the planet

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I sat in my seat watching Mando and the child as we approached the planet. Grogu had the metal ball in his hands.

"Grogu." Mando said.

The Child's head shot up at his name. Mando chuckled softly.


Again the Child's head shot up at his name. I smiled slightly.

"Give me the ball." Mando reached for the ball. "Grogu, give me the ball. Come on."

Grogu handed the ball back to Mando.

"Okay, here we go." Mando held the ball out. "You can have it, just like before. Grogu, come on. You can have it. Come on."

The ball shot from Mando's hand into the Child's.

"Dank farrik!" Mando exclaimed causing both me and Grogu to jump. The Child whined.

"Hey, no. I'm not mad at you. You did good. I just... When the nice lady said you had training, I just..."

Mando handed over the ball to Grogu.

"You're very special, kids." Mando glanced over at me and I quickly looked back out the window. "We're gonna find that place you belong and they're gonna take real good care of you."

I sighed. I thought we already belonged with him. Was he really that ok with letting us go?

"This is Tython. That's where we're gonna try and find you both a Jedi. But you have to agree to go with them if they want you to. Understand?" He glanced back at us. "Plus, I can't train you. You're both too powerful. Don't you wanna learn more of that Jedi stuff?"

"I'm not a Jedi." I mumbled under my breath.

"I agreed to take you back to the Jedi, so that's what I need to do." He sounded as if he was telling himself that, more than us. "You understand, right?"

Both Grogu and I were silent. I held back the tears in my eyes. I didn't want to cry anymore.


I looked out the window. Watching the green hills beneath us. Then a rock formation on top of one of the hills caught my attention.

"Looks like that's the magic rock I'm supposed to take you to down there."

Mando circled the hill, looking for a spot to land. We all tilted to the side as the ship circled.

"Sorry, kids. I can't land on the top. Too small. We're gonna have to travel the last stretch with the windows down."


I flew next to Mando as we approached the temple. I missed being able to fly so I insisted on using my Draga form.

We landed and I shifted back. We walked towards the center of the rocks. The atmosphere around us felt, alive.

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