The Family: Pt 3

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3rd person pov: Two speeders raced back towards the town

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3rd person pov:
Two speeders raced back towards the town. On one layed a young white haired girl and in the bag, the Child.

As they neared the town they drifted to a stop. Mara slowly was regaining consciousness, she kept her eyes shut and her body still but listened closely.

"Speeder bikes have arrived at the checkpoint with the assets, waiting for confirmation-" The Child whined and the trooper punched the bag. "Knock it off! Waiting for confirmation to continue into town."

"That's a go to proceed, but I advise you to double-check. The Moff just touched down and already took out a squad of local troopers."

"Standing by."

"Did he just say that Gideon killed his own men?"

"Oh, who knows?"

"These guys like to lay down the law when they first arrive into town. You know... You know how it is."

The Child started to whine again. The trooper punched the bag again "I said, shut up. Yeesh."

"What is that thing, anyway?"

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe Moff wants to eat it. I don't ask questions."

"Can I see it?"

"Did you not just hear that Moff Gideon killed a dozen of his own troopers just to make a point."


"I get that point. Do you get the point?"

"Yes, I get the point."


They both started stooting at something. But from the sounds of it they missed each time.

"Should we offer that thing some water?"

"You just wanna look at it.

"So what? You got to see it!"

"Barely. I mean, I grabbed it up away from the girl and I stuffed it in the sack."

"It's more than I got to see it."

"Look, I'm not taking it out of this bag until I deliver it to the Moff."


"Okay. Stop asking."

"Let me check on this thing. This is crazy." The trooper climbed off the speeder. "Any update yet?

"That's a negative. Still waiting on confirmation. He just killed an officer for interrupting him, so this might take a while."

"Thank you. Standing by still. Unbelievable."

"Hey, how long has it been since that thing moved?"

"I don't know, like a minute or two. Don't worry."

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