The Relization

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Sometimes I forget most people don't know what a Dragona is

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Sometimes I forget most people don't know what a Dragona is. This Mandalorian must be one of them.

Mando unclipped the chain from around my foot, so I am no longer attached to the wall. He starts to walk back over to the pod but turns back to me.

"Stay." He points a finger at me.

I blink, slightly taken aback.

'Wow, he really does think I'm an animal.'

I huff and sit, curling my tail around my legs. Mando walks over to the pod and does something with it and his v-brace. I tilt my head as I watch something dangle from his belt.

It's my Crystal!

Then the next moment I feel a tug on the chain. I look up to see Mando has attached it to the pod and has started walking out. The pod follows and so do I.

I wince and squint my eyes as we walk into the sunlight. I forgot how hot and dry this planet is.


We've been walking for hours by the time we reach some shelter from the sun. A small gorge offers us the shade. But does Mando stop for a moment? No.

I lower my head and drag my tail behind me. I'd rather have stayed in the encampment then be dragged through this heat. Little lizard like creatures scurry around making different sounds. Mando ignores them but both me and the Child watch them curiously.

My gaze then catches the Crystal once more.

'How am I going to get that without alerting Mr. Tin Head?'

Then everything goes quiet. The creatures disappear into little holes in the rock walls.

I lift my head up, looking around, and a growl escapes my muzzled jaw. Mando stops and turns to look at me. His hand rests on his blaster.

A trandoshan jumps down from the cliff face onto Mando. Then it knocks the blaster out of his hand. Mando sends the pod back but given the amount of chain I don't have to move much. I watch Mando fight and I have to say he is good.

He takes the first one down but two more show up. I snarl when they start to overwhelm him. Then a flash of light catches my attention. I see my Crystal go flying from Mando's belt.

I race forward and grab the Crystal in claw. I huff in relief and look over at Mando. He is still fighting and looks out numbered.

'Stars!' I scream internally as a soft glow envelopes my body. Everyone is to busy fighting to notice. Well everyone but the Child.

The chains fall with a clank. I grab one of the trandoshan's staff weapons and charge forward.

As one of the trandoshans go to attack Mando I step in front of him. The attacker tilts his head at me, a young girl showing up out of no where. While he is confused, I knock him back against the rockwall. He stands and charges at me.

Mando is still dealing with the other two trandoshans so I leap onto the one I am fighting, landing on his back. I use the staff and pull it against his neck. He falls back and I jump off. He hits his head against a rock and thankfully he doesn't get back up this time. I turn to see that Mando has taken care of the second one.

I look around and see the third is running for the pod. I go to race over but a blaster shot rings through the gorge, The trandoshan combusts into dust.

I look over at Mando to see him already watching me. His blaster aimed and ready to shoot.

Mando pov:
'Where did this girl come from?' I keep my blaster aimed at her.

"Who are you?" I ask.

She scoffs, flicking a piece of her white hair from her face. "The one who just saved your butt."

She glares at me and that's when I notice something. Her eyes. Those purple eyes, they are the same as the creatures. They can't be the same. Can they?

"Where did the Creature go?"

"Wow, you really have no idea who one of your bounties are?" She laughs.

Then I notice the Crystal, I had found on one of the mercenaries, in her hand. I quickly shoot it and it goes flying. She yelps and pulls her hand to her chest. I rush forward and knock her to the ground my blaster still aimed at her.

Mara pov:
I gasp as I fall to the ground. I turn back to see Mando standing above me, blaster in hand.

"What is that." He motions to the crystal on the ground with a quick movement of his head.

I gulp but answer, trying to keep my voice steady. "A Fire Crystal. It's what allows Dragona's to shift between forms."

He tilts his head at me. I can feel his gaze through the tinted vizor. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen." I shift my gaze from him to the Crystal.

"Don't." He warns and my gaze jumps back to him.

Then he takes something from his belt and tosses it into the sand in front of me. "Cuff yourself."

I sigh but do as he says. Once the cuffs are on and locked he walks over and picks up the Crystal, placing it back on his belt. He walks back over and grips my upper arm, lifting me up onto my feet. He keeps his grip on my arm but loosens it slightly as he pushes me to walk.


We ended up walking for most of the day. As the sun finally sets and temperatures drop Mando stops to make camp.

I sit next to the pod and rest my head on the side. The fire in front of us is the only source of light and warmth. I look down at my clothes. My once white outfit is dusty and dirty. And now that I am no longer in my Draga Form my neck feels empty without the Necklace. It was my mother's before she died. It's all I have. I close my eyes with a deep breath.

"Why are you a Bounty?" A modulated voice brakes through the silence.

I open my eyes and look over at Mando. His gaze already on us. The T shaped visor concealing any hint of his face. I try not to squirm under his emotionless stare.

"I don't know." I sigh, hugging my knees close to my chest. "Maybe because I am the last of my kind."

The only response I get is a modulated sigh.

I look up and the stars and allow a single tear to escape. Soon the need for sleep over weighs my nerves and I drift off. My body still leaning on the open pod.

AN: I hope everyone is enjoying! I am horrible a writing fight scenes but I don't think this was too bad.
Wc: 1065
Wc after edit: 1157
Thank you for Reading!
K out!

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