The Sin: Pt 2

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I woke to the sound of blaster fire

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I woke to the sound of blaster fire. My body was strapped to a table.

After Dr. Purshing returned I was escorted out of the room and into the lab. They started doing tests on the strength of my scales.

Let's just say by the time they were done, and I shifted back, my body was bruising and I think my ribs broke again.

I looked to my right and saw the Child also strapped down to a table. Dr. Purshing standing over him with a data pad.

The door slid open and a shiny Beskar warrior walked through blaster in hand. The armer was new but I would recognize that Emotionless helmet anywhere.

"Don't hurt him, it's just a child! Please!" The Doctor pleaded.

Mando pushed him aside and the doctor continued to beg. He didn't say one word about me though.

Mando's vizor latched onto my battered and bruised form."What did you do to them? What did you do?!" He growled, pointing the blaster at the doctor.

"I protected them! I protected them! If it wasn't for me they would already be dead! Please!"

Mando grabbed the child in one arm and me in the other. My head weakly rested on his armored shoulder as he hurried through the halls.

"You came back..." I murmured before falling unconscious again.

The next time I woke was to beeping. I knew that sound all too well. The child had been placed in my arms.

"Welcome back Mando." That was the guy who was on the Transmission. "Now put the packages down."

"Step aside, I'm going to my ship."

"You put the bounties down and perhaps I'll let you pass."

I stiffened. Would Mando really just give us up after going through so much trouble to rescue us?

My question was answered by his next statement. "The kids are coming with me."

"If you truly care about the kids, you will put them on the speeder, and we will discuss terms."

I went to get down but Mando's grip around me tightened. I took that as a sign he had a plan.

"How do I know I can trust you."

"Because I'm your only hope."

Mando starts walking over to the speeder. I hold the Child tighter in my arms. As he stops next to the speeder, Mando looks down at us. The Child is still asleep, and I risk a glance up at him. Pleading.

The next moments are all a blur. Mando grabs his blaster and jumps into the speeder. He sets us down next to some crates for cover and a shootout begins.

Then the speeder drops. The droid at the front blown up. Mando takes out his rifle and starts using that to take out hunters.

"That's one impressive Weapon Mando!"

"Here's what I am going to do. I'm going to walk to my ship with the kids, and you're going to let it happen!"

"Huh, how about this? WE take the kids and if you try to stop us, we kill you and strip your body for parts!"

Mando continues to fight with the hunters. When they get to close, fire eruptions from his V-brace but it doesn't last long.

I scream when a blaster bolt gets close to my head. I curl up more, protecting the Child. Mando leans over us, blocking some of the fire with his body.

I take a glance up at him.

He's run out of ideas, and I'm too weak to shift. This is how we will die.

The sound of jet packs fills the air. More Mandalorians glide in from the sky, like armored angels. Mando picks us up again and starts heading to his ship.

"You'll have to relocate the covert." Mando says to another.

"This is the way!" Is the larger Mando's reply.

"This is the way." Our Mando responds.

Mando heads to his ship. He sets me on the floor and heads for the cockpit, but a new voice stops him.

"Hold it Mando." Greef stands next to me, blaster aimed at my temple. "I didn't want it to come to this, but you broke the code!"

The rooms fills with smoke and Greef fires where Mando once was. A new blaster shot hits Greef in the chest and knocks him out of the ship.

The ramp closes and Mando heads up into the cockpit. The ship rumbles to life beneath me and jolts as it takes off.

I sigh and lean back against the steel wall. I no longer fight to remain conscious and allow my body to rest. The last thing I hear is a modulated voice.

"I got to get one of those."

AN: That wraps up the 3rd episode! Mando is now on the run with two bounties, oh boy!
Thank you for reading!
K out!

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