The Passager: Pt 3

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"Mara?! Mara?!"

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"Mara?! Mara?!"

My eyes slowly opened. My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing. Everything was cold. My shoulder throbbed, my body felt frozen.

When my vision finally cleared enough I noticed Mando kneeling over me, his armor was covered in frost.

"Come on verd'ika, say something?"

"Mando?" I whispered.

He sighed in relief and helped me sit up.

I was in the hull, a giant hole was ripped through the middle. Cold air was blowing into the ship. I shivered and I jolt of pain surged through my shoulder. I hissed in pain and grabbed it.

"What happened?" Mando asked, after wrapping a blanket around me.

"I don't know, I think a crate hit it."

Mando sighed and examined my shoulder. "I think it's dislocated, I'm going to have to pop it back in."

"Will it hurt?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment before answering. "Yes, but only for a moment."

I nodded and close my eyes, bracing myself for the pain. I felt Mando press his hands onto my shoulder then the next thing I knew I was gritting my teeth to stop myself from yelling out.

Mando quickly made a sling and helped me place my arm in it.


I sat with the Child in my lap, leaning against the wall close to the space heater Mando found. A blanket wrapped around us. We both had already eaten the rations Mando had given us.

"If you hadn't guessed, we're in a tight spot. The main power drive is not responding, and the hull has lost its integrity. I suspect the temperature will drop significantly when night falls." Mando sat down next to me. "I'll have a better idea of our prospects at that time."

The Frog Lady croaks and points at her eggs.

"I'm sorry, lady. I don't understand Frog. Whatever it is, it can wait until morning. I recommend you get some sleep." Mando leans back and crosses his arms.

I grab the child with my good arm, bringing him closer to me, and lean into Mando's side. He uncrosses his arms and wraps his arm around me, pulling us both closer to him. Trying to use his own body heat to help warm us up.

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