The Gunslinger: Pt 2

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Injury, Toro being a Creep.


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I jolted up from the cot, looking around in a panic.

"IM AWAKE! IM AWAKE!" Peli yelled.

The Child started crying so I stood up and took him from Peli as we walked out to Mando, who was yelling at a Droid.

"Where are they?!" He yelled at the poor droid.

"Quiet!" Peli yelled at him.

"Aww it's ok." I held the Child closer and shushed him.

"You woke them up! Do you have any idea how long it took me to get these two to sleep?"

"Come here." Mando pointed at me.

I went I walk over to him but Peli put an arm in front of me.

"Not so fast! You can't just leave children all alone like that." She sighs. "You know, you have an awful lot to learn about raising young ones?"

"I'm sixteen." I muttered.

Mando just stood there staring at us.

"Anyway, I started the repair on the fuel leak." She started messing with a machine connected to the Crest. "I had a couple set backs I wanted to talk to you about."

"She didn't use any droids." I told Mando.

"As requested!" She scoffed. "So it took me a lot longer than I expected. but I figured you were good for the money since you had two extra mouths to feed." She gestured to me and the Child.

"Thank you." Then he walked off towards the door to the hanger.

"Oh, oh guess I was right you got a job didn't you?"

"Can I come this time?" I asked.


I sighed and stood next to Peli as we exited the door. A young man was arrogantly leaning on a speeder bike.

"You know it's costing me a lot of money to keep these droids even powered up." Peli was still talking.

"Hey Mando!" The Man called. "What do you think? Not to shabby, huh?"

Mando just stood next to the other speeder and stared at him with a small tilt of his helmet.

"What do you expect, this isn't Corelia." Then he turned to us. "Ma'am."

I shuffled closer to Peli when his gaze landed on me. My hold on the Child became tighter. His eyes trailed up and down my body and I felt myself instinctively grab my Crystal. I felt so vulnerable with the way he was staring. Peli set her arm around me and took me back inside the hanger away from his eyes.

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