The Marshal

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3rd person pov:A Mandalorian, a young white haired girl, and a pram walked into the lamp light

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3rd person pov:
A Mandalorian, a young white haired girl, and a pram walked into the lamp light.

The girl looked around, watching the little red eyes stare at them from the dark. The Mandalorian kept a hand on the small of her back, making sure the girl stayed with him.

She glanced over past her guardian at the Child. He gurgled and looked over at her, lowering his ears. She smiled kindly at him before looking forward again.

The walls were full of graffiti. Pictures and vulgar words she wouldn't dare say were painted on them. The whole town made her wary. But Mando had gotten a lead on someone who knew where another Mandalorian would be.

Flash back to 3 hours prior:
Mara sat in her chair as Mando punched in some coordinates.

"Why are you trying to find other Mandalorians? I thought we needed to find the Jedi?" She asked.

"Other Mandalorians are our best shot at finding the Jedi." He told her.

Mando lead them to a door, where a large twi stood. Mara stepped a bit behind Mando, the less people saw her, the better.

"I'm here to see Gor Koresh."

The Twi looked at Mara then the Child. After a moment he moved aside and the door opened. "Enjoy the fights."

Mando walked inside and both Mara and the Child followed closely. Inside was loud. People shouting and yelling. The sounds of metal on metal. Two green pig like creatures fought in a ring in the middle of the place.

Mara covered the Child's eyes as the fighting got more intense. Even she didn't want to see it.

Mando walked over at sat next to a one eyed man. She assumed that was Gor Koresh. She sat in the seat next to Mando and the child's pram hovered just next to her.

"You know this is no place for a child." The man said, not even turning to look at them.

"Where ever I go, they go." Mando said bluntly.

"So I've heard." He scoffed.

"I've been quested to bring them to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I'm told you know where to find them. "

"It's uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment" Gor said gesturing to the fight.

Mara covered the Child's eyes. She didn't understand how this was entertaining to them. Two beings forced to battle to the death.

Mando glanced over at the kids. He hated bringing them in a place like this but he wasn't about to leave them alone in the ship either.

"Bah! My Gamorrean's not doing well. kill him! Finish him!" Gor yelled.

The fighting got even more intense.

"Do you gamble, Mando?" Gor asked.

"Not when it can be avoided." Mando replied.

Metal and Scales                         [The Mandalorian]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat