The Sanctuary: Pt 1

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I wasn't the type of girl to scare easy

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I wasn't the type of girl to scare easy. But when I woke up on a cot, on an unknown ship. I started to freak out a little.

The sound of boots caught my attention. My head jerked to the door as it slid open. Standing in the threshold was The Mandalorian. I visibly relaxed, the memory of the rescue resurfacing. He set the Child he had his arms onto my lap.

"We've arrived at Sorgan." He told me. "Now listen, I'm going to go out there and look around. It shouldn't take too long."

He started to walk away but turned around to face us again. "Don't touch anything. I'll find us some lodging and be back for you too." He pointed at us. "You stay right here. You stay. Don't move, you understand?" We both just stared at him. "Great." Then he started walking to the ramp.

I look down at the Child as he looked up and tilted his head, gurgling softly. "My thoughts exactly." I stood and walked over to Mando.

He looked over at us as the ramp lowered. He sighed giving us a tilt of his head. I only shrugged. He mumbled something I couldn't hear before he started walking again. "Come on." I smiled a skipped after him.

My eyes wondered around the dense forest. It had been so long since I had seen trees. This planet was so green. I loved it!

'Stars! I wonder if Drong had trees like this?'

I wasn't born on my peoples home world. My mother had already fled the planet before I was born. All I had ever known was life on the run. But now I had the Child and Mando. The Child was definitely good company, but I still hadn't made my decision on Mando just yet.

Soon we came across a cantina. I stuck close to Mando's side as we entered, holding tighter to the Child.

We sat at an open table and a woman walked over. She greeted us and asked if we wanted anything.

"Two bone broths for the little ones." I tried not to scoff at his words.

"Well, you're in luck, I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty. Can I interest you in a porringer of broth as well?" The lady asked.

"Just the two." He told the her.

"That one over there, when did she arrive?" He pointed to a well built woman sitting in a booth.

"I've seen her here for about a week or so." The lady answered.

"What's her business?" Mando asked.

"Business? Oh well there's no much business in Sorgan, so I can't say." She laughed. "She doesn't strike me as a log runner." Mando slid her some credits. "Well thank you sir, I'll get those broths out for you, and I'll throw it a flagon of Spotchka just for good measure."

After the lady had left Mando quickly stood and walked away. "Watch the kids." He flicked another credit to the lady.

She brought us our broths and the Child immediately went to follow after Mando. I sighed and followed him. The sound of fighting came as we rounded a corner. Mando and the woman from the booth were on the ground blasters pointed at each other.

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