The Heiress: Mando's pov

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The boat scene

Mando stood next to Mara and the Pram. He didn't trust these men so he made sure to keep the kids close. After the last few days they had Mando had a lot on his mind.

"You ever see a mamacore eat?" The Quarren asks, interrupting his thoughts. "Quite a sight. The Children might take an interest."

"Im sixteen." Mara muttered.

Mando wasn't sure this was the best idea. He didn't trust them but so far he hadn't seen any ill intent from the crew.

"You should take a look. Come on over here." Mando and the kids went over to the large pit in the middle of the ship. "Get a good view. Let the kids see."

"All right, close enough." Mando sets his arm in front of Mara and pram. He didn't want them getting close, his protective instincts kicking in.

"There we go." The Quarren pushes a net of fish over the pit as it opens. "She must be hungry. Oftentimes we'll feed her in the early morning, but we missed that 'cause we were goin' out of port!"

Suddenly the Quarren pushes Mara and the Pram into the water. The Child just had enough time to close the Pram before the creature came up and swallowed it. Mara was lucky it missed her but with only one working arm and not being a very strong swimmer she sunk.

"No!" Mando yelled.

"D-" Maras head fell beneath the water.

Mando dove into the water after the kids. But as soon as his armored body hit the water he sunk like a rock. He couldn't see his more than 2 feet in front of his helmet. His survival instincts kicked in and he used his jet pack to get back to the surface. But the Quarren had already closed the pit again. Mando grabbed onto the bars to keep himself up but the Quarren keep hitting him down with there tools, trying to drown him.

Suddenly a group of blue armored Mandalorians descended from the sky. They took out the crew before opening the pit.

One outstretched her hand to him. "Take my hand."

She pulled him out of the water and helped his over to some crates.

"There's a creature it has my kids." Mando coughed.

"Oh it!" The other two Mandalorians leaped into the water.

"The kids, help the kids." He wheezed out.

"Don't worry brother."

A few seconds later the male Mandalorian came up with the Pram. He opened it and handed the Child to Mando.

Mando felt a sense of relief to have the Child in his arms but he couldn't rest yet, she was still in there.

The young girl he used to think was annoying now held such a strong place in this stoic hunters heart. She was apart of his clan. His daughter.

Then the other female Mandalorian came back up holding the white haired girl. She collapsed onto the ground and coughed out all the water in her lungs.

Mando quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. Holding both of his kids tightly. His heart broke when Mara clung to him. Both kids were so young and already had to deal with life or death situations.

As much as Mando hated it, the Jedi was the kids only hope of being safe. He would never be enough for them. Danger always followed him. So he was a danger to them.

The Child snuggled into Mara's chest and Mando felt his heart finally start to calm down.

He looked up at the Mandalorians that had saved his Clan, his family.

AN: I didn't have enough energy to write a full blown episode. I hope you enjoyed this nonetheless. 4 episodes to go till the end of season 2.

Thank you for reading!
K out!

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