The Target Practice

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After riding all day in the hot sun Mando decided we would rest for the night

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After riding all day in the hot sun Mando decided we would rest for the night.

As we settled down for the night, Mando started a fire. I sat on the sand with the Child in my lap. The night air was cold but the fire was welcomed warmth. Different from the burning suns. I watched the fire as Mando sat down, he started almost immediately cleaning his weapons.

I had noticed over the course of the last few weeks with Mando that he took pride in his weapons. They were always neat and clean. Maybe it was a Mandalorian thing, I don't know.

I watched him clean his rifle, then moving on to his blaster. He must of felt or noticed my gaze, because he stopped and turned his helmet to me. I quickly looked away, not wanting to be nosy.

Then I got an idea.

"Can you teach me to shoot?"


I turned to him. "I want to learn how to shoot properly not just a quick lesson like you did on Sorgan."

Mando was silent. His visor locked onto my face. It was times like these I really hated that thing. I wanted to know what he was thinking. I wanted to read his eyes.

"Sure." He finally said.

"Wait really?!"

"I don't see any harm in it."

I set the child down on the sand and Mando and I both stood. He handed me the blaster and pointed at a rock.

"Shoot that."


"Try again."


I glared at the target. Why was this so hard now.




"I can't do it!" I complained lowering the blaster.

"Your thinking to hard. Relax, don't think just do."

"How can I not think about it?" I scoffed

"Just try it." He sighed.

I grumbled but did what he said. I relaxed my arms and cleared my mind. I steadied my breathing.

Direct hit!

"I did it!"

"You did." I could hear the smile in his voice. He nodded and motioned for me to continue.

We did this target practice till Mando though I was good enough. I even tried some moving targets. Which were rocks Mando threw into the air. I missed most of those.

We now sat next to the fire again. Me leaning against Mando with the Child in my lap as we slowly fell asleep. Mando sat there and faced the fire. His cold armor felt wonderful on my burnt face. My eyes fluttered closed as the peace of sleep took me.

"Sleep well, ad." Was the last thing I heard him whisper.

AN: Im still having trouble with my Disney+ so I decided to write a non-episode chapter. A short one so it doesn't throw off the story line. Basically just Mando and Mara bonding.
Shout out to 84NightShade! I told you I would!
Thank you for reading!
K out!

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