The Jawas

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Fire, smoke, screams

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Fire, smoke, screams.
"Don't let them escape!"

I jolt up. My breathing heavy and rapid. A shadow looms over me and I look up, squinting. It's the Tin Head who dragged me out here. He tilts his helmet down at me.

I can feel my anxiety rising. That wasn't just a dream but a memory. One I haven't see in a while. I instinctively go to grab the Crystal, but I grasp at nothing but air.

I glance down at my bound hands and sigh. "C-can I have my Crystal Back?"

He shifts his weight on his feet and places a hand on his hip.

"I promise I won't shift! I-it was my mother's, it's the only thing I have left from her." I plead.

He stands there staring at me for a moment, then I hear a modulated sigh come from him. He grabs the Crystal from his belt. "Try anything and I have no problem bringing you in cold." Then tosses it into the sand in front of me.

I hurry and grab it, clutching it close to my chest. I slide it onto my neck and nod. A coo earns my attention. I look to my left and see the Child peeking out of the pod. I smile warmly at him.

I hear Mando huff and the next thing I know we are walking in the heat again.


We have been walking all morning when I hear the sound of metal on metal. Mando rushes forward and crouches down on a sand dune.

I follow and take a peek over. Jawas are stripping a ship, I can only assume it's Mando's ship.

Then one of the Jawas bursts into dust. I gasp and look over at Mando. He has his pulse rifle out and is aiming at another target.

The Jawas scurry over to there moving fortress but not before Mando takes out a few more. As it starts to pull away Mando chases after it.

The next thing I know the cuffs are pulling me and the pod along. I grumble as I try not to get dragged in the sand.

The next time I see the Tin Man, he is falling off of the fortress. I grimace as he lands on the ground, hard.

I slowly walk over. "Oh dear, are you dead?" I tap his helmet. "Mando?"

He suddenly jolts up grabbing my wrist and I fall onto my butt in shock. His helmet turns to me quickly.

"What did you do?!" His voice is harsh and his grip on my wrist is tight.

"I didn't do anything!" I whimper, struggling in his grip.

"My helmet, did you take it off?!" He ask, yanking me closer by the wrist.

"No!" I cry, closing my eyes in fear.

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