The Sin: Pt 1

289 7 10

⚠️Trigger Warning: Brief Torture

⚠️Trigger Warning: Brief Torture——————————————•—————————————

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I wake to a voice I don't recognize. The air around me feels cold but place I am resting on is soft.

"Mando, I've received your transmission. Wonderful news! Upon your return, deliver the quarries directly to the client" The voice continues. " I have no idea if he wants to eat them or hang them on his wall. But he's very antsy. Safe travels my friend." The transmission cuts off.

I peek my eyes open to look around. I'm in a cockpit of a ship. Mando's ship. I must of been out for a while if it's fixed.

"It's not a toy." Mando's voice cuts through the silence.

I look over to see Mando placing the Child back in the pod by his robe. I huff and go to sit up from the chair. A wave of pain shoots through my side. I suck in a sharp breath that earns the attention of Heavy Metal over there. He spins in his chair to look at me.

I drop my gaze from his tinted visor. I go to move my hand to the Crystal but my wrists are stoped by the cuffs. They are wrapped around the arm of the chair, keeping me in place.

"You fell unconscious after the Mudhorn. It broke a few of your ribs." Mando says.

I glance over at my side and notice a wrap has been placed around my middle. I look back up at Mando and nod. Mando stays silent and spins back around to the front.

"D-Do you know what they want with us?"

He is silent for a moment. I almost think he didn't hear me, then he speaks again. "No."

The rest of the trip is silent.


Soon we arrive at a Smokey planet. Mando grips my upper arm and leads us through a town. We then arrive at a door. A little droid pops out and scans something in Mando's hand. I shrink closer to Mando's side as the door opens and torm troopers come into view.

As we walk inside a trooper grips my shoulder and pushes me forward closer to the pod.

"Easy." Mando warns.

"You take it easy!" The trooper snaps back.

Another door opens and we walk into a room. A older man and a scientist looking guy sit on the other side. The scientists guy eagerly walks over and scans the Child. Then he dose the same to me.

"Yes yes! Both very healthy!" He exclaims.

I hear a scared babble and look over at the Child. He looks frightened, I kinda am too. I zone out what everyone else says and focus on the Child. I know what the Empire want with me, but him? I'm not sure. He is my family now. The only family I have. I won't let anybody harm him. Even at the cost of my own life.

A trooper grabs my hair and starts to drag me. I cry out as I stumble through a door. I catch a glance of Mando as he watches and let a single tear drop. I hope he knows what he just dropped two children into.

'Stars, please don't let this be the end of my people'


I am dragged into a room. The cuffs are replaced with something around my neck. I gasp as I am thrown to the floor.

The scientists guy from before walks in, a data pad in hand. "I am Dr. Purshing." He introduces himself.

I stay silent and glare up at him.

"Please cooperate. I don't want to have to use restraints."

He walks forward and attaches something to the pad. "Shift."


A Trooper steps forward and presses a button. An electric shock goes through my body. I scream and curl into myself. It stops moments later.

"Shift." Dr. Purshing asks again.

This time a soft glow envelops my body. I stand up in my Draga Form and glare at them all. A purple glow emanates from my jaw.

Dr. Purshing sighs and motions to the Trooper. An electric shock surges through me once more. This time lasting longer.

"I will return later. Hopefully then you will cooperate." He and the troopers exit, leaving me alone in this cell.

I don't bother shifting back and curl into a ball. I don't want to cry, I don't want show them I'm afraid, but I am. I'm terrified. I only hope the Child is safe.

'Mando if you hear this please, save him'

AN: Thank you so much for all the support! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter!
Wc: 734
Thank you for reading!
K out!

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