The Jedi: Pt 1

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I looked out the cockpit window as we exited hyperspace

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I looked out the cockpit window as we exited hyperspace. Before us stood the planet that would change our lives. I stood behind Mando as we approached the mucky green planet.

"Corvus, this is the place. I've detected a beacon." Mando started. "I'm gonna start the landing cycle. You two better get back in your seats."

Neither of us moved.

My mind was full of questions about the unknown.

What would this Jedi be like?
Would the Jedi be quiet and deadly like Mando or calm and peaceful?
Were they like the Child or more humanoid?
Would I really be able to leave Mando?

"Hey!" Mando's voice raised, bring me out of my thoughts. "What did I tell you? Back in your seats."

I picked up the Child and sat down in my seat, for what could be, the last time. I looked around the place  I had called home for the past few months.


I would be losing yet another home......


I followed Mando down the ramp and looked out at the planet. It looked like a wasteland. The skeleton of trees covered the area. Like a fire and burned everything green to ash.

We both turned when the Child huffed and sat down on the ramp. He held the round ball in his little hand.

"What did I say about that?" Mando sighed taking the ball from the Child. "This needs to stay in the ship."

I sighed and shook my head at the Child. He knew we would be leaving Mando and he was causing trouble.

"Not much to see out here." Mando sighed, before picking up the Child and placing him in the satchel slung over his shoulder. "Never had dealings with a Jedi before."

"So what do we do?" I asked, adjusting the cloak over my head.

"Let's head into town. See if we can pick up a lead." Mando placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me towards the town.

Mando made sure the Child was out of view and my face was covered by the cloak as we arrived at the town gate.

"State your business." One of the guards yelled out to us.

"Been tracking for a few days. Looking for a layover." Mando responded.

"Nice armor. You a hunter, then?"

"That's right."


Mando paused a moment before answering. "Last I checked."

"Who's the girl?"

"My apprentice." Mando responded, shifting his weight slightly.

The guards were silent before one spoke. "Open the gate."

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