Parents react

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Timeline(Kiyo smiled)

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka pov:

It was a peaceful day before I was pulled in some spatial anomaly into a theater with some of my batchmates and some people that I wasn't very familiar with , and one I was too familiar with .

"MOM" the voice of Ichinose Honami made its way to everyone's ear as the strawberry blonde hugged a brown haired woman with a happy expression 

"Kukuku its been a while old man " Ryuuen's voice was heard as he was talking to a black haired man 

"Kakeru  didn't I tell you to properly address your father " A purple haired woman spoke up causing the usual indifferent Ryuuen to shiver a little.

"Okaa-sama" I looked around to see Arisu hugging a woman with silver hair and a mature build no way that's her mother.

"Suzune-chan " A woman almost jumped on Horikita as she tried to dodge and another man looking at the two while shaking his head.

"Please calm down mother " Horikita's pleas were unanswered as the woman finally grabbed her , I would rather believe that the earth is flat , that can't be Horikita's mother , did she take up all the cheerfulness  out of the family.

Anyway not wanting to deal with that man and the woman talking to him I shifted away only to bump into Ichinose

"Ah A-ayanokoji kun" Ichinose said as her mother raised an eyebrow.

"Umm oh mom this is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka , he is a good friend and has helped me a lot" She introduced me to her mother for god knows what reason . 

"Oh hello Kiyotaka kun , thank you for helping out my daughter she can be a handful sometimes" she spoke gently patting my head

"She is exaggerating I just gave her advice from time to time " I replied having no idea why this woman was petting me.

"Still thank you " she replied as I saw chairman Sakayanagi trying to separate Arisu and her mother who was not letting her go.

"Come here Arisu-chan let mama hug you like I used to " she said much to the horror of Arisu , man all these supposed mothers are too attached and that just makes it more amusing to watch , so far the only normal mother I have met is Ichinose's mom.

Suddenly Horikita broke free from  her mother and ran towards me with her mother following , don't drag me into this please.

She hid behind me for some apparent reason and her mother was shocked.

"Ara did my Suzu-tan finally make a friend" she spoke much to the embarrassment of her daughter , this could be used as potential blackmail

"Don't even think about it "suzune said reading my thoughts 

"And yes mom Ayanokoji kun  is a  friend"   with those simple words the target of her mother was instantly shifted. the new one being yours truly ,me .

"Oh what is your full name , how did you befriend Suzu , are you planning to marry her" She asked those question in a single breath , I could feel second hand embarrassment coming from Suzune even if she was trying to maintain a poker face.

"HE CAN'T MARRY HER" Honami suddenly spoke up making her mother smirk in amusement.

"Calm down Ichinose , she is joking" I told her as I prepared a reply

"My name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. I was her seatmate in the first year so we became friends and I already have a girlfriend"

"Too bad you had descent looks as well" is she disappointed.

As I was trying to understand Arisu made her way over to us.

"Quiet the playboy aren't you Kiyotaka kun" commented Ichinose's mother.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I just replied.

"Oh you must be Kiyotaka kun my daughter has been obsessed with you for a while now " said Sakayanagi mom 

"OKAA SAMA" Arisu shouted , woah she can do that , haven't seen her flustered in a while.

"Eto do Sakayanagi and Ayanokoji kun know each other " Honami asked with blank eyes and a cold smile , woah that's one look you have there woman

"No/We are childhood friends" me and Arisu replied  at the same time , you can guess who was who.

"Really~" Honami's voice was sweet but her intentions didn't look that sweet , even her mother took a step back .

"Ahem my apologies for interrupting please continue" 

"Yes its nice to meet you as well Mrs sakayanagi" I bowed

"Oh you are quite well mannered "

"Oi monster" great the only person I didn't wish to encounter

"Hello Ryuuen" 

"Any idea where the fuck we are" he said only to receive a hit on his head by someone who I am assuming is his mother 

"What was that for you old-"Ryuuen's word hung in his mouth as he received a glare from the woman

"Oh I was saying where are we" his words changed rather quickly making all the girls who knew him as the evil tyrant amused.

"I have no idea but " I pointe  d 

"Kiyotaka " once again we were interrupted by someone but this man I knew 

"What " I looked at him to see him with his usual sharp gaze looking down on everyone

My gaze changed becoming colder as the two of us looked at each other. Everyone immediately became distressed , his aura was really something he even made the parents of everyone shiver in fear.

"A-ayanokoji -kun" Honami tried to speak up only to be pulled back by her mother.That was the right thing to do , there was no saying  what this man will do if he finds someone an eyesore .

"Now now lets calm  down" chairman sakayanagi diffused the situation as the two of us looked away from each other.

"So you must be Kiyotaka you sure have grown up" a woman with similar brown hair spoke up , I am guessing she is the one who gave birth to me .

"And you are" I asked

"You can call me Mika or mom , I really don't care " she said a look of indifference on her face 

Here is a random idea for reacting I got from a youtube video

If anyone wants to continue go for it .

I might or might not I don't really have the motivation 

Anyways if anyone is interested in teis fanfics they should check out obsession in shadows on or ao3

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