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Unknown pov:

I was currently heading towards my new school or my new home for the next three years .I had escaped from that place with the help of my butler who assisted in my escape.

I knew that man would never let him go free after all this.That man huh ...just the mere thought of him makes my blood boil.He took everything from me ,my freedom,my emotions but the most important of them all he took away my loved one from me.

Normally I am apathetic towards everything but when I see that man an unexplained rage that makes me want to tear him apart takes over .

Right now I can not take him down and I also have to fulfill my promise that I made to my love.The mere thought manages to calm me down.

"You should give up your seat to the old lady"

Breaking me out of my thoughts I realized that an argument had broken out in the bus.

After observing for a minute I found that an office worker had requested a blonde boy to give up his seat to an old lady who was having trouble standing but the boy had mercilessly shut her down using facts .

I looked around the bus to see the reaction of the people most of them tried to look away from guilt or perhaps agreeing with the blonde boy .

However the girl sitting next to me had no change in her expression at all she was reading with a stern expression completely disregarding the situation.She looked at me our eyes met and then she went back to reading her book .

A beige hair colored girl stepped up to help the old lady .Seeing that this will be continuing for a long time I decided to give my seat to the old lady.

"Here you can have my seat "I stated while raising my head and giving a bright smile ,something I was taught in the white-room for the past few months before it was temporarily closed.

I went to a less crowded area of the bus to stand comfortably and avoid the weird glances boys were giving me.The girl that had helped the lady was now heading towards me .

"Thank you for giving up your seat"She stated in a cheerful tone but I had the feeling that this wasn't her true self so I decided to be cautious around her.

"It was nothing "I stated in a disinterested tone, not wanting to continue the conversation any further.Sure I wanted friends but I would like normal ones instead .

She apparently didn't get the message and continued.

"My name is Kushida Kikyo .ClassD"She exclaimed in her energetic tone .Seeing no harm in introducing myself I said

Now you have read this far.Do you wanna guess who this person is  .Well leave a comment on who do you think they are before scrolling down.

"My name is Suzuki Shizuku. Same class"I decided to be a little cheerful so as to not raise suspicions that I suspect her.

The last thing I wanted was some idiot trying to mess with my peaceful life .I wanted to fulfill my promise I made to Kiyotaka ,someone I cared for and always will  .

Yes I was the masterpiece of the white room after Kiyotaka died trying to protect me but that is a story for another time.

So how was it.

Did you guys expect that ?

If you did then good job I guess.

Anyway comment for a part 2 if you liked it.

Thank you.

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