Crazy Crossovers

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka pov:

I woke up to sounds of bird chirping and scent of rain still lingering around in the air , this was a completely normal day like always .

I had graduated from white room and was living a pretty stable life making money from side jobs that I had, they were a little dangerous but the pay was descent and so I was not complaining , I still had to go to school a rather normal one , although I was invited by many schools I choose this one because it was by all means a normal school .

As I finished my daily routine of working out and practicing some of my techniques I headed to my apartment and took a bath and as I was leaving my apartment for school I suddenly heard someone call my name

"Ohaya Kiyotaka kun " A sweet voice made its way to my ears 

"Good morning to you as well Mahiru" I greeted back to the blonde haired girl with my usual monotone voice.

"Are you ready for the test today ." Oh no a test for high schoolers I didn't study .

Oh yeah I don't need to study for some high school math 

"I think I will pull through " 

"You say that but you still are the highest scorer in our school" She giggled .

"I consider myself pretty average , unlike a certain angel" She looked at me with annoyance clearly not wanting to be called with that name.

"I told you to not call me that " She pouted .

"My apologies , how about we have dinner together tonight" I asked her , having dinner together was a daily ritual that we had developed when I had offered her my umbrella , how did giving a girl an umbrella lead to us having dinner together , well that was a long story but mostly it was the plot .

"Great I will invite Ai san and you can invite the others since our exams are ending today" She beamed .

"Ok ,for now lets go before the we become late" I told her and we left for the school together .

Timeskip After the exams:

"Finally over " said a girl with star shaped hairpins clearly happy about the exams ending ,well she was working hard over the past few weeks so he could somewhat understand her happiness.

"Hey Kiyotaka what are your plans after this lets go to eat together today" The girl asked me more excited about the food than her exams apparently .

"Yeah about that , Mahiru asked me to invite you and your sister over for dinner to celebrate the end of exams if you guys are free "

"Sure I am pretty sure Miku and Yotsuba are free , Nino might act up but will join anyway ,Ichika will be free by dinner time ,I will let them know and text you about the decision "

"Ok just tell me or Mahiru before 5 so we can prepare " I said while looking at my phone where a new notification from a number I knew too well popped up, which I conveniently decided to ignore  .

"Sure thing, later Kiyotaka" Itsuki  left after saying her goodbyes 

With that in mind I joined up with Mahiru to make preparations for the dinner.

Timeskip : Kiyo's apartment

"So will Ai be joining us " I asked the blonde beside me .

"Yes she said she wanted to have some of time as well and she will also be here with both Aqua and Ruby " Mahiru responded 

So with me the quints , Mahiru , Ai ,Aqua and Ruby .There are total of ten people we will be preparing dinner for  suddenly the doorbell rang and I went to check it out .

"Yo " said Nino in her usual tsundere voice .I looked behinh her and all the quints were standing there ,

"We came to help you with the food , well mostly Nino since none of us can cook" Said Ichika 

"Hey I can cook " said Miku causing everyone to look away and cough .

"Well come on in we can review your tests while the food is being prepared " I said trying to change the topic before Miku decides to cook for us again  

"Ok" said the rest of quints in sync.

A while later the doorbell rang again and this time it was Yotsuba who answered the door .

"Oh Yotsuba chan nice to see you again , a sweet voice made its way to the living room" This was Ai Hoshino a pretty popular idol or something like that I had no idea what idols were before I met her .

"Oh its nice to see you as well Ai san " Yotsuba responded with an equally cheerful tone while helping her with Aqua and Ruby .

"Yo" said Aqua casually greeting me with Ruby trying to be flashy .

"Hello to you as well" I responded non chalantly 

"Oh Kiyo kun, how are you doing " 

"I am doing pretty well" Now you may be questioning how I know all these girls well its a long story so may some other chapter.

"Food is ready" Mahiru and Nino declared .

All of us sat around the table and were about to dig in when the doorbell rang yet again .

"Did you call someone else Kiyotaka" Mahiru expressed her confusion 

I simply nodded my head saying that I didn't.Strange I can't even sense who this person is that can probably mean only one thing.

"I guess I will check it out" I declared

" Be careful " Ai said clearly not fond of unexpected visitors

I opened the door and saw who it was .

"Kiyo chan " This time there was a man who simply jumped at me and I side stepped .

The girls had come to the door at this point to see who it was 

"Why hello sensei " I said to the white haired man in question 

"How rude I have been calling you since the morning and you ignore me" 

"Do you want to have dinner " I asked dismissing his previous statement.

"Um Kiyotaka who is the weird blindfold guy " Asked Nino clearly not having tact 

"Oh so that is why you didn't answer my calls guess you were busy , you player" Said the man clearly enjoying this situation .

"No . And this here is Gojo Satoru he is my teacher and also raised me for the past four years " I introduced them obviously avoiding the he is the strongest sorcerer of modern age part.

"Oh so you are Mr Gojo" Said Mahiru clearly remembering the name from when I told her about my guardian .

"Yes he is the one"

"Oh you have grown up now already having so many woman around you " If it wasn't for the infinity I would have punched you right now.

"Its not like that" the girls responded flustered , look they are all red with anger.

"Anyway why are you wearing a blindfold " Asked Ichika trying to divert the conversation.

"That will be answered by Kiyotaka " He said making himself comfortable on the couch and shifting his problems to me

"That is because" i pondered for a moment "his eyes are too pretty " I responded with the same dumb response .

"Eh " the girls replied confused .

To be continued 

 I am alive yall 

Happy new year to all of you. 

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