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Shizuku pov:

As I got off the bus I was quickly met with the sight of a stone gate standing tall and guarding ANHS .

As I was about to take my first courageous step..


I turned around to see the black haired girl I looked at earlier had stopped me.

"You were looking at me in the bus.Why ?"She commanded as if she was the one who is making the laws around here.

"I was interested in the book you were reading "I replied not wanting to continue conversation with someone that was supposedly having a superiority complex.

"If that is all then fine.Don't associate yourself with me"She said before leaving.

This idiot was the one that started the conversation with someone she did not want to associate herself with without even knowing if I was really looking at her or not.

What kind of weird people are in this school.

Ignoring the idiot I decided to make my way towards my classroom.

Upon arrival the moment I took my first step the classroom that had been filled with chatters suddenly became silence and now all of them are staring in my direction.

Eh.."Is there something on my face ."i asked tilting my head but most of the boys suddenly got a nosebleed and even some girls while some  were glaring at me .

Ignoring the weird occurrence I searched for my seat and found it next to the window giving me a clear view of the boundless skies and free birds soaring through them.

Haa what a beautiful view.I wish I was a bird then I would be able to go beyond these walls and fight titans..(Oh sorry wrong story)

Well the classroom soon started filling up with more people and soon a girl with blue hair and considerably large assets  sat next to me.She seemed normal enough so I decided to start up a conservation.

"Hello I am Suzuki Shizuku .Nice to meet you"I said in a normal voice not too cheerful or monotone with my poker face.I had enough of being cheerful for today.

The girl seemed to be taken aback by my sudden introduction but soon composed herself.

"Oh likewise Suzuki san .My name is Hasabe Haruka"she stated 

Meanwhile with the perverts 

"Yamauchi,We have an angel in our midst "A brown haired boy exclaimed.

"Yes , ike she looks like a goddess and has considerable assets "another boy with black hair named as Yamauchi  replied to the now known Ike .

Most perverts were having their own fantasies this time.

Meanwhile some girls

"Kyaa Suzuki san step on me"

"She is hotttt"

Yeah its better not to talk about them.

Shizuku pov:

After the tiring entrance ceremony it was now time for introductions.

Most of the introductions were nothing special.

As the introduction went on I recalled a certain memory.


In a place painted completely white a certain brown haired boy was having his lunch.He was all  alone since most of his generation hated him.Initially he was sad but then it all became numb.

No matter what happened he couldn't feel a thing....Until

"Hello my name is Suzuki Shizuku"A certain dirty blonde haired girl introduced herself to him.

The boy was certainly not expecting anyone to talk with him and put his guard up thinking of it as a way to sabotage him.

"I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka"He replied in his usual monotone voice seeming as if he didn't have a care in the world but if you looked closely he was completely on guard ready for anything thrown at him.

"I know and can I join you for lunch"The girl stated looking down at her lunch and then back at the boy.

"Sure "He replied but it was clear that he wanted to ask what did she need from him.People just don't come to you give you company especially in the whiteroom. 

"we already know each other though ,you took my punishment some years ago because I was sick so I just wanted to thank you"She stated shyly

The boy was perplexed but soon replied

"You don't have to thank me .It was just a fluke I won't do it again if you are trying to ask for a favor"

Flashback end

Shizuku pov:

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka ....





You are a liar.You said you won't help yet you.....

Gave it all up just to save me.

Well that will be all

Sorry for the small chapter but I am busy.

I won't be updating much for some time.

Also should we keep Kiyo alive?

Thank you.

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